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New Proof Emerges of the Biden Family Emails: a Definitive Account of the CIA/Media/BigTech Fraud

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer warns that emails and other documents reported on by The NY Post about Joe Biden’s activities in Ukraine and China may be “Russian disinformation,” Oct. 16, 2020. By Glenn Greenwald | September 22, 2021 A severe escalation of the war on a free internet and free discourse has taken place over the last twelve […]

CANCER ALERT: Conventional cancer treatment shortens lifespan, according to study

By Lori Alton | NaturalHealth365 | September 20, 2021   Newly diagnosed cancer patients typically feel overwhelmed – by the prognosis of their illness as well as the mountain of decisions that often face them. And now, those decisions may become even more complicated. The Foundation for the Advancement of Cancer Therapy (FACT™) is pointing to […]

Energy poverty is not an option for India’s 360 million poor

By Vijay Jayaraj | American Thinker | September 22, 2021 The global call to impose climate shutdowns akin to the COVID-19 lockdowns fails to recognize that there are millions of poor people for whom there is no room to compromise on energy liberty. Political organizations like the World Economic Forum see the pandemic-driven economic pause as […]

The Vaccine Roll-Out Was Based on Safetyism, Not Science

By Noah Carl • The Daily Sceptic • September 21, 2021 In a poll of experts taken by Nature earlier this year, only 6% said it was “unlikely” or “very unlikely” that SARS-CoV-2 will become endemic. By contrast, 89% said this was “likely” or “very likely”. As Professor Francois Balloux has observed, “Eventually, Covid will become endemic everywhere in the world… claims […]


Amazing Polly | September 17, 2021 Through the introduction of the ICU and Critical Care Ward, hospitals have been subverted by cold, calculating technicians who do not care about individual patients. **TO SUPPORT MY WORK PLEASE CLICK HERE: https://amazingpolly.net/contact-support.php THANK YOU ** read more… Video is in 4 parts; Part 1: My takedown of “Trusted Voice” of […]

Reuters and BBC Caught Taking Money for Propaganda Campaign

This article was previously published March 10, 2021, and has been updated with new information. By Dr. Joseph Mercola | September 20, 2021 Operation Mockingbird,1,2 publicly revealed during a 1975 Congressional hearing, was a clandestine CIA media infiltration campaign launched in 1948 under the Office of Special Projects.3 The CIA reportedly spent $1 billion a year […]