Time Magazine

Spéculateurs de la faim : comment les denrées alimentaires sont devenues des produits financiers

Les trois hommes responsables de la dérégulation du marché des matières premières en 1999 : Robert Rubin, alors secrétaire au trésor (devenu co-président de Goldman Sachs), Alan Greenspan, président de la réserve fédérale, et Larry Summers, successeur de Rubin au trésor (devenu président de l’université de Harvard puis conseiller de Barack Obama)

How Can Vladimir Putin Destroy Non-Existent Democracy?

By Phil Butler – New Eastern Outlook – 25.05.2017 TIME Magazine’s Bill Powell is a gifted journalist. Anyone who reads the LinkedIn recommendations for the former Newsweek bureau chief will assuredly be impressed. Dozens and dozens of senior editors and journalistic colleagues are there, as are people like Dorinda Elliott, who is the Editorial and […]

Is America Dooming Itself To Lesser-Of-Two-Evils Presidential Elections Forever?

Crossroads, a series of PACs that have made Karl Rove very very rich as he takes a cut off the top from foolish right-wing contributors, did the above ad comparing Hillary to Nixon. It's not very persuasive and won't do much to move any narratives forward. But I'm sure Rove made some bank from it. With Paul "fresh face" Ryan perhaps taking himself out of contention-- I still don't believe it-- Rove is desperate to assure himself a steady income flow.

Bernie Trumps Trumpf In Time Person Of The Year Poll-- Also Poll Shows Bernie Is More Electable Than Hillary

This morning, TIME announced that Bernie had won their Man of the Year poll-- and by an extremely large margin. By the time voting ended on Sunday night, he was at 10%, almost double his closest contender, Pakistani girls' education activist Malala Yousafzai (5.2%), and ahead of both Pope Francis (3.7%), who won Person of the Year in 2013, and President Obama (3.5%).