Thomas Frank

Can The Democrats Win Back The House In November? Probably But It Would Take The Kind Of Bold Thinking And Bold Action They Fear

The 1st idiot to run the DCCC, James Rood Doolittle, and the current incompetent, Steve IsraelThe DCCC started in 1866 and the first chairman set the tone for the impossibly incompetent organization House Democrats depend on today. Chairman #1, James Rood Doolittle of Wisconsin, didn't quite know what he was politically.

Kansas-- A Laboratory For Ultra-Conservative Ideas Throughout The Entire Country-- Is A Bust

Last month, Chris Hayes repeatedly brought up a state-- Kansas-- that few Democrats ever see as a realistic election target (above). Far right extremist Sam Brownback's gubernatorial reelection is not looking like a sure thing anymore. Unless you consider being down 47-41% against your Democratic opponent, Paul Davis, "a sure thing."Kansas, the Koch-owned state, has no Democrats in federal office and was one of the only states in the country where voters gave Obama less than 40% in 2012.

You Not Wanting To Be Known For Something That You Have Done, Is Not The Same Thing As You Not Having Done It

Rachel Maddow does not play requests. "We will not," she explained, "stop reporting on the political actions, and the consequences of the political actions, of rich and powerful men, even if they send angry letters every time we do it." If you've read much of Thomas Frank's work, you probably have a good idea he's in the same boat.