Thomas Frank

Normally I Ignore Warnings Of Trump's Reelection-- But Not When Thomas Frank And Alan Grayson Are Doing The Warning

I doubt there’s anyone who reads DWT who would disagree with Thomas Frank’s description of Señor Trumpanzee in his new essay for Harper’s, Four More Years— The Trump reelection nightmare and how we can stop it. The part we all agree with: “He is deeply unpopular, the biggest buffoon any of us has ever seen in the White House.

The Resistance, the #Resistance and Harvey Weinstein

Offered ironically. The roughest waters lie ahead of us. by Gaius Publius"For certain of their leaders, modern-day liberalism is a way of rationalizing and exercising class power."     –Thomas FrankThe real resistance occurred in 2016. It failed in both parties.     –Yours truly There's something greatly troubling about what the media-fronted #Resistance has morphed into, but I'm having trouble writing about it (it's lightly touched here: "A Nation in Crisis, Again").

Paul Ryan's And Trumpy-the-Clown's Vision For America Is Very Dark And Horrifyingly Kafka-esque

You may well have woken up yesterday to Señor Trumpanzee's tweet (below), taking-- or at least sharing-- the "credit" with congressional Republicans obsessed with destroying the consumer protections the Democrats made some terminative steps towards implementing-- despite obstruction from the corrupt Blue Dogs and even more corrupt New Dems from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- while they were in power.

Three CNN Employees ‘Resign’ Over ‘Russia Collusion’ Fake News Retraction

The CNN logo is shown here. (Photo Martin Oeser/dapd)
A few days ago we noted that CNN was forced to retract one of their bombshell ‘Russian collusion’ stories when it was apparently revealed that the whole thing was nothing more than their latest, anonymously-sourced fake news debacle.  Like most CNN stories on the topic, this one carried a salacious title (“Congress was investigating a Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials”) which implied some nefarious plot by the Trump administration to stage a coup in the United States.

Draining Our Own Sewer: Clintonism

Please start by watching Elizabeth Warren's speech (above) to the AFL-CIO she made a few hours ago.Yesterday, Bernie issued a statement on Trump's electoral college triumph over Clinton: "Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media.

Here Comes President Hillary

At the convention in Philly, Truthdig founder and editor Robert Scheer ran into Thomas Frank, whose latest book, Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened To The Party Of The People? is a must-read for all progressives and, hopefully, for some Democrats who aren't already too far gone. Frank admitted Democrats aren't paying the book any serious attention.. His critique-- "that what we have today is a liberalism of the rich...