thomas aquinas

Aristotle, Simplicity, St John of Damascus & Defense of the Orthodox Faith BK I – Jay Dyer (Half)

Traditional philosophy and metaphysics Ep 6 picks up with a discussion of Defense of the Orthodox Faith: we cover the first book, where the doctrine of God is laid out, the essence – energy distinction, the Father as the sole cause and arche of the Godhead, as well as touching on the proper use of Aristotle (long before Aquinas) as we saw when we covered his Fount of Knowledge, while book 2 we will cover for subscribers to JaysAnalysis. To download first half free audios, click over to the spreaker link in the player to download.


Western Civilization VS Sh%$tholes – Race & How to Save the West – Jay Dyer

The mainstream hypocrites are in an uproar because Trump referred to some countries as sh&%holes, while simultaneously they call “fly over country” and the south even worse. In this video I castigate the Alt Media and Alt Right for not offering anything beyond biological determinism, which has built NO civilization. Civlizations are built on theology, philosophy, race and/or ethnos, as well as other aspects of culture, like language.

Refuting Roman Catholicism & Ecumenism: Palamas, Aquinas & Augustine

A reply to various so-called Orthodox and Roman Catholic apologist attempts to reply to my essay. Ultimately these attempts fail because they do not understand hypostatic properties and the orthodox distinctions of will, nature, person and operation. As a result, both faux “Orthodox” and Roman Catholics congeal into a mass lump of heretical perennialism, as generic as their generic theism.