Thom Hartmann

If Bernie Can Get Voters To Focus On Actual Issues, He'll Be President

Many people were shocked when Bernie came in tied for first place in Vermont's presidential contest-- no not among Democrats (he's at 70% in that race), but among Republicans! They shouldn't have been; Vermont Republicans like him. In 2012, when he was up for reelection, he took 208,253 votes (71.1%), while Obama, also on the ballot that day, did very well but with only 199,259 votes (67.0%). Governor Peter Shumlin took only 170,767 votes (58.0%).

Ann Coulter: Clinton's the One We Want to Run Against

Ann Coulter on Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and whom she'd rather run against (h/t Justin Lane at the Ring of Fire Radio site)by Gaius PubliusAs the video above makes clear, Ann Coulter wants a Donald Trump–Hillary Clinton contest in the general election and fears a Bernie Sanders matchup. Since she's speaking with Lou Dobbs in the friendly confines of Fox News, I take her as sincere, not blowing smoke.

The Difference Between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in One Paragraph

Thom Hartmann discussing the Sanders campaign and media silence with Ari Rabin-Havtby Gaius PubliusI have to thank Daily Kos diarist james321 for this find. But first, some setup.I'm certain that Hillary Clinton is a classic "Davos Democrat," a neo-liberal savior of the world for the investor class. Krugman with a definition:

Stealing From Medicare To Pay For TPP-- Unhealthy For Republicans... Deadly For Democrats

The vote of TPP is looming in the House and Obama has Jim Clyburn (D-SC) making all kind of handsome offers to Members of the Congressional Black Caucus to guarantee a big vote score from that circle. You won't find caucus members with integrity, like Barbara Lee and Donna Edwards, playing footsie with Clyburn on this, of course.

The Global Rich Are a Tribe with Their Own Folkways, Values & Mythology. Those Values Are "Pathological."

How the Very Very Rich Fly to St. Andrewsby Gaius Publius Thom Hartmann has a TV show, The Big Picture, which airs every weekday. Often The Big Picture includes a segment called "Conversations with Great Minds," an excellent watch if you're as much a fan of thoughtful talk as I am.