"Third" Party

Splashes of “Jill Stein” Afloat a Sea of Context

When it comes to voting red or blue, there is an optimism that compels us to approach presidential elections like a football rivalry between two teams. And, equally as bad, there is a cynicism that makes fueling our two-piston political engine seem logical—not because it is optimal, but simply because it runs. But if neither optimism nor cynicism are on our side at such a critical juncture in the timeline of our democracy, what can we do?

Hillary’s Convention Con

The 2016 Democratic Convention in Philadelphia was a multi-layered, raucous display of political theater. A host of delegates loyal to Senator Bernie Sanders were inside in large numbers exclaiming “No more war” during former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s speech and raising all kinds of progressive, rebellious signs and banners against the Hillary crowd. Although Hillary addressed them directly in her acceptance speech, “Your cause is my cause,” those dissatisfied delegates in the hall saw her rhetoric for what it was: insincere and opportunistic.

Go Green Bernie! or Be Left Behind

The duopoly that serves as our ‘democracy’ is again poised to install another corporatist into the White House. Oh goody.
If you believe corporate media, there’s no point in resisting. And yes, we’d better support Clinton to keep Terrible Trump from becoming president. Especially now that, according to MSM sources, Bernie will endorse Hillary for president this week. I hope they’re dead wrong.