
Trump’s Syria Missile Strike Was a Scandal

I suspect the Third World War will begin with a claimed atrocity — probably the use of poison gas by a ‘regime’ against ‘its own people’. Such things are now the favorite way to make wars where there was peace.
Border violations went out of fashion years ago. Invasions are illegal under the UN Charter. There are no Archdukes left to assassinate. ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ will forever evoke hollow laughter. But democracy needs a popular pretext for war, and righteous mass outrage about the inhumanity of the enemy is almost invariably effective.

Sweden: The Wages of Self-Loathing Is Civil War

The Danes have put extra resources into controlling the country’s links to Sweden because of bombs going off in Denmark due to people coming from Sweden.  The people from Sweden are Islamist criminals.  The Swedish government reacted to the Danish move by calling the Danes Nazis.  Swedish society has changed for the worse, and the Swedish people are aware of what they have lost.

Extraordinary Rendition and the Absence of Culpability

The CIA’s extraordinary rendition programme, through which individuals allegedly suspected of terrorism would be kidnapped and whisked off to secret interrogation centres known as black sites, has recently been revisited in mainstream media through a series of illustrations by a prisoner held in Guantanamo’s Camp 7. The sketches drawn by the prisoner Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn depict the torture inflicted upon him by CIA interrogators.

Obama on Mount Rushmore: Move Over Guys, Room for One More Con Artist

I am on the emailing lists of both the Republican and Democratic Parties because I like to know what the enemies of the American people are up to. Recently there has been a lot of squeaking from the GOP in an attempt to put lipstick on the Trump pig, but the truly remarkable emailing has been coming out of the Democratic Party, which is desperately seeking to convince the public that it actually represents something.

After His Mysterious Death, the Media Scrambles to Get its Story Straight About White Helmets Founder James Le Mesurier

Almost immediately after Le Mesurier’s alleged plunge to his death, reports began to emerge of tampering and the removal of details about the controversial “private security” operative’s career.
Vanessa BEELEY
On November 11, 2019, the British founder of the notorious White Helmets, James Le Mesurier, died in Istanbul, Turkey. The circumstances surrounding his death immediately elicited a flurry of Turkish and corporate media reports, many of them contradictory, as the details of his final hours came to light.