
Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Penumbra of Terror

The semi-official story coming out of Washington, and the Western media, is that the Tsarnaev brothers were “self-radicalized” loners, “losers,” as their uncle Ruslan put it, unconnected to any larger organization or terrorist network. The poor babies were so alienated by life in America – where they had been given refugee status, welfare payments, and, [...]

Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: The Real Terror Is The Law - Now You Can Be Executed For Merely Being A Suspect!

I am truly appalled by the actions shown by the American public, especially the citizens of Boston and Watertown, in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon drill and operation.... It was disgusting to watch these people cheer on their police forces with shouts of "USA!

How Coincidental: Canada's Foiled "Terrorist Attempt" Coincides With Debate Of Intrusive Anti-Terrorism Bill

I have been watching the local Canadian BS Jewish controlled mainstream media news over the last few days about the absolutely ridiculous and almost laughable "terrorism attempt" here in Canada where two Muslims (of course) were caught attempting a "bombing" of a VIA rail passenger train.... When I first heard about this Canadian "terrorist" attack, I began to wonder if there was something going on here in Canada that they would roll out this fraud "terrorist attack" at just this time....