term limits

Ten Things for US to Understand about Latin America

Hello everyone! I love my country — the US land and people — but it could be a lot better. And it will be, when we dump our sense of US supremacy! I just returned from two-weeks in Nicaragua. When I received the email announcement about this political delegation, which was coordinated by Friends of ATC and Sanctions […]

Chinese Constitution Changed for President Xi Jinping – No More Term Limits

China's constitution was amended to wipe term limits off the books for President Xi Jinping who assumed office in 2013 and was due to step down. Now he may remain in office indefinitely. China added term limits to the constitution in 1982, after decades of Mao Tse-tung's disastrous political campaigns underscored the dangers of one-man rule. Two members of parliament voted against the change and three abstained, giving Xi a 99.8% approval vote. [...]

The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party-- Meet Jim Himes Of Connecticut

At a meeting of Democratic thought leaders earlier in the week, Elizabeth Warren posed a rhetorical question "Do you get the feeling that if Bernie Madoff weren’t in prison he’d be in charge of the SEC right now?" I wonder if New Dem chairman and former Goldman-Sachs banker Jim Himes was in the room, though I doubt it, since he spends so much of his spare time shuffling from fundraiser to fundraiser.

Americans' Overwhelming Desire For Congressional Term Limits Isn't Because They Trust Or Admire Congress

As we've seen in California, there are real drawbacks to mandatory legislative term limits, not the least of which is how even more power devolves to lobbyists, something that has made Sacramento virtually worthless as a vehicle for progressivism, despite huge Democratic majorities. But Congress is so hated by the American people-- and rightfully so-- that term limits is supported overwhelmingly.