
The Mauling of Novak Djokovic

Rarely can the treatment of a grand sporting figure by officialdom have caused such consternation.  Novak Djokovic, the tennis World Number One, has always had a tendency to get under skin and constitution, creating a large following of admirers and detractors.  But his current treatment by Australian authorities, and his subsequent detention as an unlawful […]
The post The Mauling of Novak Djokovic first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Feminist Knowledges?

If you thought the word knowledge had no plural, that’s probably because you are a sexist mansplainer. The full title of this piece of rubbish is Feminist Knowledges As Interventions In Physical Cultures; it was published on-line on February 13, 2019, but has recently been mailed out for free, probably because few people would be […]

These Fun and Simple Activities can Delay Death, Study Shows

Exercise can undoubtedly help you live better, but what about longer? Are there certain activities that are better than others? Yes, and yes. A study published in the BMJ suggests that exercise can reduce your risk of death from cardiovascular-related issues (think heart disease or stroke), and there are certain activities that may be more beneficial than others. [1]

World’s Top Tennis Player Goes Gluten-Free With Great Results

Not only did Novak Djokovic handily just win the French Open against the number 2 player in the world, he won after adhering to a gluten-free diet.
While such an accomplishment has become standard for Djokovic, going gluten-free after a lifelong diet of wheat food products was entirely new. Having been diagnosed with celiac disease by his doctor, the world’s top tennis player knew that he would have to make the diet adjustment sooner or later.