
Tennessee Is Finding Out Why One Party Rule Doesn't Work Out Well

How do you measure how red a state is. Well, there's the PVI, of course. Tennessee's is R+14. Only Wyoming, West Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Kentucky and Arkansas are worse. Trump's victory over Hillary was a rout-- 1,522,925 (60.7%) to 870,695 (34.7%). Trump won 92 of Tennessee's 95 counties. The only 20th Century presidents to do as well as Trump were Nixon (against MCGovern) and FDR. Currently, all six of the state's executive officers-- from governor to comptroller of the Treasury-- are Republicans.

Other Than The Blow Voters Are Delivering Trump Today, Will We Defeat Any Of The Worst, Most Vile GOP?

You know who I'm thinking about, not the run-of-the-mill Republican garbage who "just" want to take away peoples' healthcare and see them starving in the streets; I'm mean the real neo-Nazi's inside the pup tent. Many of them are in blood red districts that are infested with brain-washed Fox zombies, like, for example, Matt Gaetz in Florida. But there are a handful up for reelection today who could go down, as long a shot as each case is.