
Il arrive aux médias de mentir parfois

Le docteur Pascal Sacré est médecin réanimateur pratiquant l'hypnose, notamment en service de soins intensifs. Il laisse entendre que les médias de masse, pourtant gorgés d'amour, mentent parfois, en ce qui concerne les soins intensifs car ils n'y connaissent rien. Mais si j'ai posté cette vidéo, c'est parce que plutôt au début, il y a un détail qui m'inquiète énormément. Saurez vous le trouver ?

Tribune Libre

[Recommandé] Jacques-Marie Bourget : “Devenue l’outil premier du mensonge et de la bêtise, la télévision a une urgence absolue”

A la télé on ne peut pas regarder sans cesse Hanouna ou Zemmour, au bout d’un moment ça fatigue. Un de ces derniers soirs par hasard, je suis tombé sur un débat Marchais contre Chirac, ou inversement, cuvée 1971. Etonnant la façon de débattre de ces archétypes de politiciens. Ils avancent derrière le bouclier des chiffres de l’INSEE, ou des Comptes de la Nation, les arguments-missiles ont du poids, de la source. Même quand ils mentent, ces garçons affutent le fourchu de la langue sur la pierre de la statistique économique, plongent presque dans la « science ».

Contracts Reveal How the DEA Exercises Control Over Television, Film Productions

Nearly 200 pages of Drug Enforcement Administration contracts with producers were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. They show for the first time how the agency interacts with television and film productions.
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is quite active in the entertainment industry. It exercises stringent control over how the agency is represented in documentaries, reality shows, and dramas.

Jay Dyer - Twin Peaks Returns: Esoteric Symbolism Behind David Lynch’s Most Notable TV Show

Jay Dyer is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, as well as the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast/Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive. Jay's work covers a wide variety of subjects, including metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature, and history.
A video version of this show is available here.

Twin Peaks Pioneered Great TV, and Now It's Back

You guys, it’s finally happening. Twin Peaks, the cult TV murder mystery from the ‘90s, is coming back to finish what was started 25 years ago. The original show had a cultural impact far exceeding its meager two seasons worth of content and changed the feel of television forever; hopefully its revival will do as much for House of Cards as its preceding episodes.

Study Reveals Yet Another Reason to Limit Kids’ Screen Time

There is ample research which should give parents pause when considering whether to let the TV babysit their kids. One study even suggests that too much tube time can lead to poor bone health later on.
I don’t like to bash TV. A decade ago, I worked with teen moms and their babies in a group-home setting, and nothing seemed to calm the little ones quite like Baby Einstein videos. Those videos also had a soothing effect on my nieces and nephews when they were babies.

The Rickmobile's Secret to Success Is ... Secrecy

I started watching Rick and Morty when the pilot episode of Season 3 came out a few weeks ago. I began with that episode, then went back to the beginning and watched almost the entire thing in an afternoon. And just like that, I was a member of one of the most eccentric, bubbly fan clubs currently active.
Imagine my excitement when I found out the Rickmobile is a thing, and that it was coming to Atlanta.