
Analysis: Alliances shift in the Middle East as all roads lead to Moscow

The Saudi monarch is in Moscow, as Iranian and Turkish leaders meet in Tehran
The visit of the Saudi monarch to Moscow all but cements Putin as the central figure in Middle Eastern politics [PPIO]
As US media continues to speculate on the motives behind the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas and the press in the UK critique Prime Minister Theresa May’s latest policy speech, there have been significant changes in Middle Eastern alliances.

Iran Fires Several Missiles at ISIS in Syria to Avenge Tehran Attacks

“The spilling of any pure blood will not go unanswered,” Iran’s Revolutionary Guards say.

(MEE) — Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said it launched a series of missiles into Syria on Sunday in revenge for deadly attacks on its capital that were claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group.
The missiles were fired from western Iran across the border into Deir Ezzor province in northeastern Syria, targeting what the Guard called “terror bases”.

Iran Preparing to Combat Renewed Offensives by Both the CIA and ISIS

Last week’s terrorist attacks in Tehran dramatically highlighted the IS threat to Iran. But more worrying for Iran is a renewed offensive by the CIA.

(MEE) — Last Wednesday’s twin terrorist attacks in Tehran shattered a more than three-decades-long sense of security in the Iranian capital.
The last time there were major terrorist incidents in Tehran was way back in the early 1980s during the turbulent immediate post-revolutionary period.

Thousands Mourn Iran Attack Victims, Chant ‘Death to Saudi Arabia’

(MEE) — Thousands packed Tehran’s streets on Friday to mourn the victims of two suicide bomb and gun attacks, and joined their supreme leader in accusing regional rival Saudi Arabia of involvement in the assaults.
People in the crowds, some crying, chanted “Death to Saudi Arabia” alongside the more customary “Death to America” and slogans against Israel, as they reached out to touch coffins wrapped in flags and covered in flowers.

Iran mourns victims of ISIS attack on Tehran (VIDEO)

Thousands of Iranians have lined the streets of Tehran the mourn the victims of this week’s deadly ISIS attack on Iran’s Parliament and the Mausoleum to Iranian Revolution founder Imam Khomeini.
Prior to the procession Iran’s Supreme Leader Imam Ali Khamenei said that the attacks,

“”will not damage the Iranian nation’s determination and the obvious result is nothing except an increase in hate for the governments of the United States and their stooges in the region like Saudi”.

Iranian Security Ministry–Tehran ISIS terrorists fought in Syria and Iraq

The Iranian Security Ministry has confirmed that five of the terrorists who perpetrated the recent deadly attacks on Iran’s Parliament and the Mausoleum of Imam Khomeini were battle hardened ISIS fighters who had been engaged in combat in Syria’s Raqqa, the self-proclaimed capital of ISIS, as well as in the long time ISIS stronghold of Mosul in northern Iraq.
According to a statement from the Iranian Security Ministry,

White House Blames Iranian Victims for ISIS Terror Attack in Tehran

(RPI) — It is particularly bloody to use an official statement of sympathy over a terrorist attack as a vehicle to promote war against the victim country, but that is exactly what the Trump White House did today after dual attacks in Iran left at least a dozen civilians dead.
In a breathtaking display of cruel indecency, Trump’s team used the attack as an occasion to stick the boot in and blame the victims.