Ted Lieu

Is Moscow Mitch Working To Subvert The Constitution Again?

David Brooks, one of the New York Times' in-house conservatives, yesterday: "Donald Trump is impulse-driven, ignorant, narcissistic and intellectually dishonest." Yes, he's right and most Americans know it and agree with it, but none of that is really anything that's impeachable. Ted Lieu's one minute speech on the House floor Thursday (above) should be part-- a big part-- of the Trump impeachment trial... but it won't be. If there even is a trial.

The House Passed 2 Important Bills Before Leaving Town-- One Good One And One Bad One... And Only The Bad One Will Become Law

Before rushing home for Christmas on Thursday, the House voted to pass Trump's NAFTA 2.0-- H.R. 5430-- (385-41) and voted to pass Tom Suozzi's Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act--H.R. 5377-- 218-206. Let's start with NAFTA 2.0. Hoyer introduced it and it was supported by 193 Democrats and 192 Republicans.

Greg Walden (R-OR) Bye-Bye

Barton left because of sex molestation charges, Walden just wants to get away from TrumpGreg Walden isn't really a nut; he's a mainstream conservative who has risen high in the ranks of the House GOP. And he announced yesterday that he's retiring from Congress next year.-- the 19th House Republican who is looking forward to not having Trump in their lives. He's Oregon's only Republican federal official.

Oh, Boy Another Brooks Brothers Riot!

A gang of Republican thugs that varied in number between between 6 and 20 and led by clownish Floridian Matt Gaetz, staged a noisy disruptive sit-in in the secure hearing room (SCIF-- Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility), refusing to allow a scheduled deposition in the impeachment investigation-- which have been devastating for their Regime-- to continue.

As Though There Wasn't Enough Trump Regime Criminal Activity Being Exposed Now, Ted Lieu Is Onto Another Doozy!

Gangsta President by Nancy OhanianYesterday, in response to a question I asked him about a letter he sent to the FBI, the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Ted Lieu wrote this: "In my experience as a former prosecutor and later as a securities lawyer, there were multiple large trades on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange that raised red flags. These trades occurred shortly before a major geopolitical ev

Far Right Anti-LGBTQ Evangelical Extremists On The Warpath For Trump And His Republican Enablers

You may recall that last cycle Blue America teamed up with a group of progressive evangelical pastors, Vote Common Good, to help progressive candidates across the country get in touch with evangelical voters who were not feeling Trump and his enablers were good for their families and our country. They helped elect more than a few Democrats to the House, including Katie Porter (D-CA) and Veronica Escobar (D-TX).