
Requiem for a People-Centered World Dream

My dream is to invite a reader into a room and pour a nice cup of tea . . . and then nail the door shut. — author Charles Bowden, 2010 NPR interview There is so much daily that expresses so much about the slippery slopes we are in globally because of predatory-penury-parasitic-pugilistic capitalism. In the […]
The post Requiem for a People-Centered World Dream first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Caught in a Propaganda Mad House

The fully developed bureaucratic apparatus compares with other organizations exactly as does the machine with the non-mechanical modes of production. The organization of offices follows the principle of hierarchy … each lower office is under the control and supervision of a higher one. — Max Weber, Economy and Society, 1922 This doesn’t infer private companies, organizations, […]
The post Caught in a Propaganda Mad House first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Rumble Inside the Chaos of Capitalism

The tables were turned — David Rovics interviewed me in a wide-ranging, tangentially themed hour a few days ago. Here is what one Dissident Voice article has to say about Portland, OR-based Rovics He is not one to wait for his turn to talk. He listens intently and when I’m finished asks another question. After […]
The post Rumble Inside the Chaos of Capitalism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Active Shooter in the Brain

Oh, the act of deactivating, the process of disconnecting, the very process of uncluttering the brain — bye-bye Facebook — Emancipation! Some might say we are caught in a fun-house . . . or caught in a psych ward. I have more and more people in my sphere — work, friends, email world, Facebook world, […]
The post Active Shooter in the Brain first appeared on Dissident Voice.