
Who gave the House Republicans the pencil?

One of New York's greatest buildings, Cass Gilbert's U.S. Custom House, is now home to the Museum of the American Indian.by KenIt's one of New York's greatest buildings, the Beaux Arts former U.S. Custom House (1902-07) designed by Cass Gilbert, standing proudly below and overlooking historic Bowling Green, near the southern tip of Manhattan -- and now home to the Museum of the American Indian (and also a Citi Bike bike-sharing depot).

If there are actually any Republicans out there looking to "learn lessons," here's one: "Be afraid. Be very afraid"

If I were to tell you that "the answer is Jeb Bush," could you guess what the question might be?by KenAs regular readers know, here at DWT we're not big fans of washingtonpost.com's "Fix"-master, Chris Cillizza, that fearless champion of Village-sanctified reality, and in a moment I'm going to offer an example of why.For now, while I'm not going to make a big point of urging you to read his post "Republican Party could learn a lot

Tea Party Civil War

We all love watching the Republican civil war between the greed and selfishness wing and the hate and bigotry wing as it unfolds. In the radio interview above, Palin declares war, again, on Marco Rubio and Kelly Ayotte. But how about the civil war that's tearing apart the Tea party itself... a civil war within a civil war? Those are always the most fun.Over the weekend Luke Mullins covered an aspect of that for the Washingtonian: Armey In Exile.

New Dems And Teabaggers-- A Headache For Both Parties

Both Beltway political parties have been having problems with their conservative wings. Inside Congress, ascendant "New Dems"-- the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- are making common cause with Republicans on a range of issues, many-- they claim, at the behest of Steve Israel who didn't learn any useful lessons from the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse of 2010.