
As Fairtrade falters, an alternative standard is championing ethical trading

When Sainsburys dropped the Fairtrade standard for its own-brand teas in June, it signalled the beginning of a difficult summer for the ethical accreditation scheme. But the thirst for ethical, traceable products remains. Pukka Herbs has opted for the Fair for Life certification – “much more than a logo on a pack”, as co-founder Sebastian Pole explains

‘A cup of tea symbolised everything we believed in’

Pukka Herbs' co-founder and master herbsmith Sebastian Pole believes a simple cup of herbal tea has the power to reconnect us with nature. We ask why herbs (and Stevie Wonder) bring him happiness, and why he’d like to share a brew with Jeremy Hunt
The post ‘A cup of tea symbolised everything we believed in’ appeared first on Positive News.

Study: Rosemary Oil Could Help Improve Your Memory

Older adults who suffer from memory loss may be helped by something as simple as sniffing rosemary essential oil, according to researchers at the University of Northumbria. Peppermint may help seniors regain lost memories, too.
Filling a home with these pleasant, natural scents could be life-saving for seniors who sometimes forget to take their medications.

7 Natural Anti-Anxiety Herbs to Reduce Stress

In the documentary created by National Geographic and researchers from Stanford University, Stress, Portrait of a Killer, experts outline just how deadly stress can be. (Watch the documentary below.) The good news, though, is that there are numerous natural herbs and supplements that can reduce stress without causing as many (if any) side effects or other mental health conditions as many pharmaceutical psychotropic meds do.
Here are 7 natural anti-anxiety herbs for reducing anxiety and stress (and the documentary video).

Green Tea Purchased from China Blamed for Teen Girl’s Hepatitis

Be careful what you buy online, especially if you plan on eating or drinking it, because there’s no way to really know whether it’s safe.
A new report in the BMJ details the case of a 16-year-old young woman who purchased green tea from a Chinese website in a bid to lose weight. Instead of just losing a few pounds, though, the teen also temporarily lost her health.

Avoiding These 5 Types of Foods Could Help You Avoid Migraines

About 45 million Americans deal with chronic headaches each year, but everyone has had to deal with pounding head pain at some point in their lives. But did you know that eating certain foods could actually trigger these painful episodes?

Migraines are especially intense, sometimes debilitating headaches with well-known triggers. If you suffer from migraines, you may have to give up some of the foods you love, but the good news is that you may be able to avoid spending more days lying in bed in the dark.

Is Your Tea Loaded with Toxic Fluoride?

An increasing percentage of the population has been getting smart about the dangers of drinking cola and other kinds of soda pop, and they’re abandoning it in droves. So as an alternative to soda, individuals are choosing boxed and bottled tea as a primary substitute beverage. This is no surprise because tea has a list of health benefits that can’t be ignored. But unless you know which teas to choose, you may be simply trading evils and consuming toxic fluoride.

Man’s Kidney Fails After He Drinks 16 8-Ounce Glasses of Iced Tea Daily

A 56-year old man recently went to the hospital after experiencing fatigue, weakness, body aches, and nausea. After examination and running various tests, doctors concluded that the man’s symptoms were the result of his kidney failing. What caused his kidney failure? His shocking dietary habit of consuming 16 8-ounce glasses of iced tea every day.