TCRN Reports (Videos Only)

Lessons from The Frontlines

Derrick shares several lessons learned from the frontlines of activism. Derrick has reported from the scene of the Boston Bombing, the Republican National Convention in 2012 and 2016, and most recently Standing Rock, North Dakota. He shares some ideas on how frontline activists can better handle the tense situations between police and activists. 1. Organization, […]

This Is What a Police State Looks Like #NoDAPL

Derrick Broze reports back from Standing Rock, North Dakota, the site of conflict between water protectors and local police. Broze goes into detail to show the actions of the police and the role of provocateurs. Find more videos like this at:
The post This Is What a Police State Looks Like #NoDAPL appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Exploring Stranger Things: Montauk, Stargate Project, Psi Spies

Derrick Broze explores the tv show “Stranger Things” and how it relates to real government programs that explored psychic abilities, remote viewing, and much more Sources: