TBR Radio

TBR Radio’s Dixie Heritage Hour Nov. 15, 2019 – Paul Angel

  Dr. Ed and TBR Executive Editor Paul Angel continue last week’s discussion talking about the second half of the Nov. / Dec. issue of The Barnes Review. Paul shares a special Christmas offer for our listeners, and Dr. Ed shares the release of a new book that he has published.
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TBR Radio’s Dixie Heritage Hour Nov. 1, 2019 – Donnie Kennedy

In today’s TBR Radio Presents The Dixie Heritage Hour, Dr. Ed talks to Walter “Donnie” Kennedy of the renowned “Kennedy twins.” The Kennedy twins are co-authors of best-selling books such as The South Was Right!, Was Jefferson Davis Right? and others. Donnie is on the show this week to talk about his new book Confederate…
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TBR Radio’s Dixie Heritage Hour Oct. 25, 2019 – rebroadcast of April 13, 2018 show with Dr. Kent Hovind

  This is a rebroadcast of the April 13, 2018 show when Dr. Ed interviewed creation scientist Dr. Kent Hovind, author of the book The Kennel. Dr. Hovind spent 10 years in federal prison. During that time he authored a book titled The Kennel, in which he explains how the prison INDUSTRY is a huge…

TBR Radio’s Dixie Heritage Hour Oct. 18, 2019 – James King and Clint Lacy

  This week’s TBR Radio Presents The Dixie Heritage Hour has two guests. First, Dr. Ed calls James King. James is a regular columnist in the Canadian Free Press and a Georgia Commander for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Commander King had 14 ancestors who died in the War Between the States. His Great-Grandfather Edward…
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TBR Radio’s Dixie Heritage Hour Oct. 11, 2019 – Southern Music Legends

  It’s hard to get celebrities to sit for an hour-long interview. So Dr. Ed has been gathering celebrity interview clips not long enough for a show. In this week’s TBR Radio Presents The Dixie Heritage Hour we put those clips together. The show starts with Danny Shirley, lead singer of Confederate Railroad, about their…
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TBR Radio’s Dixie Heritage Hour Oct. 4, 2019 – Marcus Busser

  In today’s TBR Radio Presents The Dixie Heritage Hour, Dr. Ed makes a Skype call to Switzerland to speak to Marcus Busser. Marcus is a missionary who has been living and serving in Colombia for the last 27 years. He has established the Cartagena, Colombia campus of University of the Nations. He is the president…
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TBR Radio’s Dixie Heritage Hour Sept. 27, 2019 – Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson

In today’s TBR Radio Presents The Dixie Heritage Hour, Dr. Ed calls Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson to talk about his article that appeared in the Sept/Oct 2019 issue of The Barnes Review magazine. Conventional history portrays Adolf Hitler as having been a pagan and infidel. Dr. Johnson quotes Hitler, from his own writing and speeches.…

TBR Radio’s Dixie Heritage Hour Sept. 20, 2019 – Paul Angel, Part 2

Paul Barnes and Ed finish last week’s conversation, spending more time going article to article in the super-sized 25th Anniversary issue, Sept/Oct 2019, of The Barnes Review magazine. Discussed are why Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway, how Churchill both instigated and prolonged the war, the mass deaths of Soviet prisoners of war, an uncensored interview…
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TBR Radio’s Dixie Heritage Hour Sept. 13, 2019 – Paul Angel, Barnes Review

Dr. Ed calls TBR’s executive editor Paul Angel to talk about the super-sized Sept/Oct 2019 25th Anniversary issue of The Barnes Review magazine. Much of the hour is spent discussing Paul’s editorial on the “alternate reality” that the mainstream media is attempting to create. This alternate reality is what makes truth- and reality-based publications like…