TBR Radio

AFPs John Friend on Nationalist Radio

Matt Heimbach and John Friend have a conversation about race in the 2016 election cycle. In California, the local Republican Party has thrown itself behind “Lyin’ Ted Cruz” as a way to stop the rise of Donald Trump. At the rally there were protesters, some pro-Trump and others anti-Cruz but the event was overall low energy, the opposite of what happens at Donald Trump rallies.

TBR on the Daily Traditionalist

TBR was again a guest on Matt Heimbach’s Daily Traditionalist podcast series. His guest was TBR’s Senior Researcher, Matthew Raphael Johnson from The Orthodox Nationalist. They begin their discussion by going over how we need to begin forming a subcultural identity for the nationalist movement. We have a variety of divided factions and as the late, great Dr.

Thoughts on the “Pulse” Massacre

Nothing about the shootings in Orlando on June 12 make sense. As is normal for these kinds of massacres, the media immediately — and often without question — impose a mythos on events. They tell us the meaning, purpose, agenda and appropriate reaction to these. Shootings and killings like this create a population constantly in fear, constantly off balance and easily impressionable.

New TBR Podcast: Leon Trotsky

In this broadcast Dr Matthew Johnson attempts to summarize a huge amount of information concerning early Soviet economic policy and ideology.
The argument can be summarized this way:
1. Trotsky had far more power and influence than Lenin.
2. Marxism was almost totally irrelevant to the Red forces during and after the Civil War.