TBR Radio

TBR Radio Exclusive: David Dees – David’s Political Artwork

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 4 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews David Dees. David is a political artist and satirist whose work is some of the most influential in the Truth Movement. I don’t know how many of David’s excellent pieces of political art I have seen over the years but I would imagine it is hundreds. We talked about his awakening as to who really controls the world, which came initially from the laughable official version of 9/11 and the Chemtrails phenomenon.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Joe Rizoli – Free Speech

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 3 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Joe Rizoli. I have admired Joe’s work for a long time and it was a privilege to have him on the show. We had a great time discussing: the left wing media; how Jews hate nationalism yet are racial nationalists themselves; and how Joe and his brother (the famous, “Rizoli Brothers”) have had their First Amendment rights to free speech attacked for years.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Brian Ruhe – The Jewish Question

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 30 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Brian Ruhe who presents, “The Brian Ruhe Show,” on YouTube. Brian ran us through his background and bio, and then we tackled the main topic of the show, which was, “The Jewish Question.”
Click Here For The Brian Ruhe Show

TBR Radio Exclusive: Mike Walsh-McLaughlin – Africa’s Killing Fields

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 29 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mike Walsh-McLaughlin on his new book, “Africa’s Killing Fields.”
As regular listeners will know Mike is an extremely prolific writer, indeed this is the third book he has written this year that I have interviewed him about.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Stephen Mitford Goodson – Financial Insight & True South African History

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 27 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Stephen Mitford Goodson.  Stephen started off by giving information on his background and on each of his books including, “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind,” the insight for which he gained over five decades as a specialist in the financial sector.
He then talked us through what he considered to be the fairest banking model, which would be based upon the state producing it’s own currency, that would not have to be backed by gold.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Thomas Goodrich – Hellstorm

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 26 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Thomas Goodrich to discuss his books. We start off with his background and bio, then we spend the majority of the show discussing his masterpiece, “Hellstorm,” which gives the true account of the widespread suffering of innocent German people, both during and after World War 2.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Dr. Adrian Krieg – The Clinton Foundation

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 20 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Dr. Adrian Krieg who joined me to discuss a number of issues. He started off with some information about The Barnes Review’s founder, Willis Carto, having just obtained his FBI file which had nothing objectionable in it whatsoever, yet he discovered the FBI continued to hound Willis throughout his life.
We then discussed Hillary Clinton’s ongoing health issues, notably her collapse at the recent 9/11 Memorial Event.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Richard Kelly Hoskins – The Wolf And The Sheep & In The Beginning

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 15 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Richard Kelly Hoskins who returned to conclude our series on his books, by talking about, “The Wolf And The Sheep,” and, “In The Beginning..”
I want to thank Dick for taking the time over the last four weeks to produce and record these shows. Should he ever wish to record a show on anything else he will be most welcome to return.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Mike Walsh-McLaughlin – Rhodesia’s Death Europe’s Funeral

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 12 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mike Walsh-McLaughlin on his new book, “Rhodesia’s Death Europe’s Funeral.”
Mike went through various aspects of the book, notably: the human horror of de-colonisation; how Wall Street and London’s duplicity is directly connected to Rhodesia’s downfall; how the Rhodesian calamity is one domino in a century’s long conspiracy to put the White World in a head lock; and how the downfall of Rhodesia was not an isolated incident but a time bomb under modern Europe.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Richard Kelly Hoskins – War Cycles Peace Cycles And Vigilantes Of Christendom

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 8 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Richard Kelly Hoskins who returned to finish up talking about his book, “War Cycles Peace Cycles,” then he talked us through his third book, “Vigilantes Of Christendom.”
Click Here For Richard’s Website