TBR Radio

November/December 2016 Issue: John Tiffany – The Case Of Algeria And Current Affairs

In today’s show originally broadcast on January 2 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews John Tiffany to discuss his article, “The Case Of Algeria,” in the current November/December 2016 edition of The Barnes Review.
We also discussed: John’s new venture designed to save the endangered White Race; how the Jews are working to make criticism of their actions illegal; how the Jews are trying to take over the internet; Fake News; Pizza Gate; and how gun confiscation has only historically led to tyrannical regimes.

TBR Radio: Mark Anderson – This Week’s American Free Press

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 30 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mark Anderson, a regular contributor to the American Free Press, for the bi-weekly show on articles in the new edition of the American Free Press.
I am pleased to announce that Mark has agreed to become my regular co-host on the American Free Press Show, and I hope you will join me in welcoming him on board.

November/December 2016 Issue: Paul Angel – The Barnes Review November/December 2016

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 29 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Paul Angel, the Executive Editor of, “The Barnes Review,” to discuss all the articles in the November/December 2016 edition of the publication, that I was unable to interview the respective contributors on.
These articles are as follows:-
1) Bill White’s, “Otto Frank Foundation Makes Shocking Admission; and Move Over Old Hickory – Here Comes ‘The Tub!’”
2) Dr. Fredrick Töben’s, “Farewell Ernst Nolte – 1923-2016.”

November/December 2016 Issue: Patrick Chouinard – The Escalating War Against The White Race

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 27 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Patrick Chouinard to discuss his article, “Hindus And Kelts – What’s The Connection,” in the current November/December 2016 edition of The Barnes Review.
The title of the article is self-explanatory, and we spent the first part of the show discussing this. We then diverged into the subject of, “The Escalating War Against The White Race,” focusing on, “The International Definition Of Anti-Semitism,” that the jews are now pushing to prevent criticism of their actions.

November/December 2016 Issue: Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst – Back To Minidoka

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 26 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Harald Hesstvedt Scharnhorst to discuss his article, “Back To Minidoka,” in the current November/December 2016 edition of The Barnes Review.
This article focuses on the concentration camps set up in America, for largely American born citizens of Japanese descent, who were rounded up and placed there after America went to war with Japan during World War 2.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Dr. Adrian Krieg – The 1967 CIA Definition Of Conspiracy Theorist

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 22 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Dr. Adrian Krieg to discuss a variety of topics: the National Socialist groundbreaking scientific research into time travel; Chemtrails/Contrails; the 1967 CIA definition of, “Conspiracy Theorist,”; the assassination of Huey Long; and how Iceland solved the 2007 banking crisis by allowing the banks to go bankrupt, jailing the bankers, which resulted in Iceland becoming the strongest economy in Europe only 18 months later.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Olaf Childress – The First Freedom

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 21 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Olaf Childress, editor of, “The First Freedom,” newspaper.
We discussed: how Trump supporters need to write down why they voted for him and hold his feet to the fire, if he does not do what he promised; “Hate Speech,” why everything the elite doesn’t like seems to be referred to as hate these days; and how the endgame is a cashless society, which is in fact why the elites allowed Trump to be elected.

TBR Radio Exclusive: Dr. Eric Karlstrom – 911, Mind Control, Gangstalking And Targeted Individuals

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 20 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Dr. Eric Karlstrom.
We discussed: weaponizing the electro-magnetic spectrum; electronic weapons; MK Ultra; and how the common denominator of all these attacks on us is, “directed energy weapons.”
We also discussed, “targeted individuals,” and the five stages of intimidating these people which are:
1) Selection
2) Surveillance
3) Stalking
4) Defamation
5) Attack Phase

TBR Radio Exclusive: Thomas Kimmel – The Pearl Harbor Scapegoating Of Admiral Kimmel

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 19 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Thomas Kimmel, the grandson of Admiral Kimmel who was blamed for not properly defending the attack on Pearl Harbor, even though the U.S. Government had received intelligence through decoded Japanese dispatches, that an attack was going to take place, and did not pass these on to Admiral Kimmel.