TBR Radio

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock: The Synagogue Of Satan, Part 8

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 22 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock reads from his book, “The Synagogue Of Satan Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” which he will be covering in its entirety.
On today’s show he read year 1920 – Henry Ford’s The International Jew – Part 2.

Rick Tyler: Make America White Again, Part 2

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 20 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Rick Tyler to conclude his political positions that he ran on in 2016. These are as follows: The Patriot Act I & II; 9/11; The Council on Foreign Relations; Department of Homeland Security; Territorial Secession; and Immigration.

Mike Walsh: Memories Of John Tyndall

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 17 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mike Walsh-McLaughlin who recounted his experiences with the late, great, John Tyndall.
I also read excerpts from John Tyndall’s book, “The Eleventh Hour,” which Mike commented on.
To conclude the show, Mike recalled the time he spoke at a conference in Washington alongside the late, great, Willis Carto.

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock: The Synagogue Of Satan, Part 7

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 15 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock reads from his book, “The Synagogue Of Satan Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” which he will be covering in its entirety.
On today’s show he read year 1920 – Henry Ford’s The International Jew – Part 1.

Rick Tyler: Make America White Again, Part 1

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 14 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Rick Tyler to discuss his experiences during his campaign for Congress last year.
Rick first ran through his background and then we discussed the political positions he ran on in 2016. These are as follows: gun rights; abortion; the United States Constitution; the Federal Reserve; Government Schools; homosexuality; and the War On Terror.

April Renee & Gary Tunsky: Educate Before You Vaccinate

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 13 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews April Renee and Gary Tunsky, who he actually met in London some years ago when they were over there at a conference.
April Renee first talked us through her experiences with vaccines via the tragic story of her daughter, Casey Renee.
Gary Tunsky also joined the show to talk about how, “germ theory,” is the an incorrect basis for justifying vaccinations, the true purpose for these is of course the billions of dollars drug companies make off of vaccinations.

TBR Radio: Mark Anderson – This Week’s American Free Press

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 10 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mark Anderson, a regular contributor to the American Free Press, for the bi-weekly show on articles in the new edition of the American Free Press.
Click Here For The American Free Press Website

TBR Radio Exclusive: Andrew Carrington Hitchcock – The Synagogue Of Satan Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored – Part 6 (1898 – 1920)

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 8 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock reads from his book, “The Synagogue Of Satan Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” which he will be covering in its entirety.
On today’s show he read years 1898 – 1920.
Click Here To Buy A Copy Of This Book From The Barnes Review Bookstore