TBR Radio

Mark Anderson: This Week’s American Free Press

In today’s show originally broadcast on April 7 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mark Anderson, a regular contributor to the American Free Press, for the bi-weekly show on articles in the new edition of the American Free Press.
Click Here For The American Free Press Website

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock: The Synagogue Of Satan, Part 14

In today’s show originally broadcast on April 5 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock reads from his book, “The Synagogue Of Satan Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” (now banned by Amazon), which he will be covering in its entirety.
On today’s show he read years 2002 – 2007.
Click Here To Buy A Copy Of This Book From The Barnes Review Bookstore

Rick Tyler: Theodore G. Bilbo’s – Take Your Choice – Separation Or Mongrelization – Part 2

In today’s show originally broadcast on April 3 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Rick Tyler for the final part of a two part series on Theodore G. Bilbo’s, “Take Your Choice – Separation Or Mongrelization.”
Part two of this series concluded our discussion of Theodore’s book, and we also discovered that not only did Senator Bilbo die the same year this book was published, he also had his house burnt down, during the time there were ongoing efforts to strip him of his Senate Seat.

Barbara Ann Nowak: No Help For The White Man

In today’s show originally broadcast on March 31 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Barbara Ann Nowak to discuss her tireless work on behalf of our race.
Incidentally the title of this show was Barbara’s husband, Michael Duncan’s, dying words…
Click Here For Barbara’s Kkkaraoke’s Blog

Rick Tyler: Theodore G. Bilbo’s – Take Your Choice – Separation Or Mongrelization – Part 1

In today’s show originally broadcast on March 30 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Rick Tyler for the first part of a two part series on Theodore G. Bilbo’s, “Take Your Choice – Separation Or Mongrelization.”
Part one of this series focused on how racial mongrelization destroyed the white civilizations of: Egypt; India; Phoenicia; Carthage; Greece; and Rome.
We also discussed how Whites in the South fared after the Civil War.

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock: The Synagogue Of Satan, Part 13

In today’s show originally broadcast on March 29 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock reads from his book, “The Synagogue Of Satan Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” (now banned by Amazon), which he will be covering in its entirety.
On today’s show he read years 1992 – 2001.
Click Here To Buy A Copy Of This Book From The Barnes Review Bookstore

Johannes Scharf – Trump’s Victory Viewed from Europe

In today’s show originally broadcast on March 28 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Johannes Scharf to discuss his article in the January/February issue of The Barnes Review entitled, “A New Dawn – Donald Trump’s Victory Explained From A European Point Of View.”
Johannes went through his background and then we ran through the article. Johannes also described the reaction of the European media to Trump’s victory, and we had a lively discussion on the motivations of George Soros.

Chris Petherick: This Week’s American Free Press

In today’s show originally broadcast on March 24 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Chris Petherick, the Editor-In-Chief of AFP, to run through selected articles in the new edition of the American Free Press.
Click Here For The American Free Press Website