TBR Radio

Rae West: How Education And Propaganda Are Intertwined

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 23 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Rae West for a show entitled, “How Education And Propaganda Are Intertwined.” We discussed: Bertrand Russell; the ongoing promotion of hatred against the White Race; Hilaire Belloc’s book, The Jews; the differences between Europe and America; Jewish spies in America;…
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Gertjan Zwiggelaar: Almost Live With Andy And Gertjan #6

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 20 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock is joined by Gertjan Zwiggelaar for the sixth instalment of, “Almost Live With Andy And Gertjan,” which is recorded on the day that it airs. We discussed: the murder of Stephen Lawrence; the murder of Stephen McLaughlin; when Harvey Weinstein urged…
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Gerhard Lauck: Censor-Free.com

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 19 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Gerhard Lauck to discuss, “Censor-Free.com.” Gerhard talked us through his background and then we discussed: his publication house, “ThirdReichBooks.com,” which specializes in National Socialist literature; “Censor-Free.com,” Gerhard’s web hosting service for non politically correct websites; how to successfully market a…

Dr. Eric Karlstrom: The Frankfurt School And Cultural Marxism

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 18 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Dr. Eric Karlstrom to discuss, “The Frankfurt School And Cultural Marxism.” We discussed, “Eric’s studies since he retired from teaching in 2011; the foundation and purpose of the Frankfurt School; the point by point blueprint of Cultural Marxism; The Simpsons…

Rick Adams: Signs Of The End Times

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 17 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Rick Adams to discuss, “Signs Of The End Times.” We discussed: the fight between good and evil; the collapsing economic system; the final generation of the evil fig tree; how to identify the enemy; why the Jews stole the identity…
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Thomas Goodrich: Introducing Tom’s Books

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 16 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Thomas Goodrich for a show entitled, “Introducing Tom’s Books.” We discussed: Tom’s sequel to, “Hellstorm,” planned for release in the next few months which is entitled, “Summer 1945 – Germany, Japan, And The Harvest Of Hate; how you can help…
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Gertjan Zwiggelaar: Almost Live With Andy And Gertjan #5

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 13 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock is joined by Gertjan Zwiggelaar for the fifth instalment of, “Almost Live With Andy And Gertjan,” which is recorded 90 minutes before it airs. We discussed: Britain’s new ethnically Jewish Police Force; the recent Las Vegas attacks; the sexual assaults of…
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The EuroFolkRadio Pastors: Introducing Christian Identity…

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 12 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews all of the EuroFolkRadio Pastors: Pastor Dan Johns; Pastor Eli James; Pastor Steve; and David James, to discuss, “Introducing Christian Identity…” We discussed: the radio shows each of these Pastors present on EuroFolkRadio.com; how to introduce Christian Identity to a…

Paul English: Is Monty Python’s Life Of Brian Blasphemous?

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 11 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Paul English to discuss, “Is Monty Python’s Life Of Brian Blasphemous?” We discussed: the plot of the film; specific scenes from the film that could be considered blasphemous; the 1979 television debate between members of the Monty Python team and…
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Michael Walsh: The Coming Economic Collapse…

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 10 2017, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mike Walsh to discuss, “The Coming Economic Collapse…” We discussed: how the listeners can become the media by simply circulating articles; Economic Collapses in history; how the 1990 Economic Collapse in the Soviet Union affected the population; how the listeners…
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