
N.Y. Post: Government tyranny comes to Main Street, with the feds more powerful than ever

New York Post, December 5, 2023 Government tyranny comes to Main Street, with the feds more powerful than ever by James Bovard Americans today have the “freedom” to be fleeced, censored, wiretapped, injected, disarmed, detained, groped and maybe shot by government agents. Politicians are hell-bent on protecting citizens against everything except Uncle Sam. “We live […]

A Pentagon Famous for “Losing” $Trillions Makes “Accounting Error” and Refuels Saudi Yemen-Bombing Jets for Free

WASHINGTON – According to a recent report, the Pentagon failed to charge the Saudi Arabia-United Arab Emirates (UAE) coalition waging war in Yemen for the refueling of planes as well as for the fuel itself. As a result of the inadvertent “giveaway,” which the Pentagon has blamed on an accounting error, U.S.

A Royal Wedding for a Nation Sinking Ever-Deeper into Inequality

LONDON – The royal wedding between the U.K.’s Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle, due to take place today, has been in the headlines for some time, serving as a convenient distraction from other major events – from the mass shooting of unarmed protesters in Gaza to efforts by certain U.S. officials to sabotage the Korean peace talks.

Oregon: Male to Female Transgender Prisoner Receives Transition Aid at Taxpayers’ Expense

Oregon: Michale Wright, who was convicted of attempted robbery, has supposedly been transitioned enough from male to “female” by hormone treatments that “she” is being moved from the men’s prison to the women’s prison. Oregon's Department of Corrections granted Wright's request for hormone treatment after he filed a lawsuit. It is unknown if the state also will pay for his requested orchiectomy to remove his testicles. Oregon's Corrections Department has 55 transgender or intersex inmates in custody.

NY Governor to Give Illegal Aliens Medicaid Benefits and Free College Tuition While Taxpayers Struggle

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo included a provision in the state's budget to fund free college educations for children of illegal aliens who were part of the DACA amnesty program. The scholarships will be good at any New York State public college so long as their family income is not over $125,000. Governor Cuomo also announced that DACA recipients would receive state Medicaid coverage. [...]

Would You Hire Someone Who Gets 218 Days off a Year? You Already Have

(ANTIMEDIA) Washington, D.C. — Know of any jobs that pay $174,000 a year, plus benefits, for only working 147 out 365 days? You may laugh off the notion, but in fact, the answer is yes, you do. Because that’s what your elected House representatives make, and the number 147 is how many days they’re actually working during a congressional session.

California Governor Jerry Brown Calls Taxpayers “Freeloaders” for Objecting to His New Gas Tax And Car Fees

Governor Jerry Brown was in Orange County defending State Assemblyman, Josh Newman, who is facing voter backlash after voting for Brown’s new tax of 12-cents per-gallon on gasoline. Brown's comment was ironic because California is a welfare state that houses one-fourth of all illegal aliens living in the US. [...]

In With The Loan Sharks: The IRS Hires Private Debt Collectors

WASHINGTON, D.C.– In 2009, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) decided to end a three-year program that used private debt collectors to chase down delinquent taxpayers after an internal report found that it was actually losing the government money and that government employees were much more efficient at collecting debt than their private sector counterparts.