tax shelters

The G.E. Loophole-- Bankrupting America To Make G.E. Executives Richer, Part I

On April 2, the Senate Finance Committee is planning to renew 55 major tax breaks worth $700 billion over 10 years, which is mostly to the benefit of the corporations like General Electic, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, which underwrite the political careers of our political elite in general and the members of the Senate Finance Committee in particular.

Andorra-- Probably Not A Place Elizabeth Warren Will Be Buying A Home

If you're even a semi-regular DWT visitor you're probably familiar with the video above that helped make Elizabeth Warren's election campaign a cause célèbre for progressives across Massachusetts and across America. Over a million people have watched it on YouTube. "There is nobody in this country," she told her small audience," who got rich on his own; nobody" Rich people don't like hearing that. Rich people have their own fantasy about how they got rich-- very much on their own. "You built a factory out there," she continued. "Good for you.