tax policies

Ryan’s Goal To Eviscerate And Discard Medicare Is Closer Than Anyone Thinks

Before Bruce Barlett served in George H.W. Bush’s Treasury Department, he was a Reagan economics advisor and before that he worked as an advisor to Ron Paul. He labored away as a tax specialist for the Heritage Foundation. Since then he’s quit the Republican Party and is now an independent, although, he likes to say, an independent Reaganite.

The Entire California Republican Congressional Delegation Is In Jeopardy Of Defeat Next Year

“With the passage of the GOP’s disaster tax plan, Mimi Walters again made clear what she thinks about us, the people of her district— absolutely nothing. People in California’s 45th district will truly be hurt by this bill and Mimi could care less. She could be found celebrating with Trump on the White House while thousands of her constituents were left to figure out what they’d do without their SALT deduction next year.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahOnce in a while, a panic-filled little worm of a politician lets slip what a certain bit of legislation is really all about, or at least, what is behind the frantic push for that bit of legislation. Such was the case with the Trump/Ryan Republican Tax Scam.New York Republican Rep. Chris Collins let the mangy cat out of the bag when he blurted out the truth

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahOf course, the corporate masters and their pathetic, sycophantic tools in Washington aren't going to raise taxes on the rich back to a sane level. They won't even raise them back to the level of the Reagan years, let alone consider the day in 1963 when JFK proposed to lower the top tax rate from 91% down to 65%. No wonder he got shot in the streets of Dallas. 65% was controversial then.