Syrian rebels

UK: Syrian Rebels Can’t Possibly Be Planning a False Flag, Because Russia Said They Are

(CJ Opinion) — In a recent meeting with the press, British ambassador to the United Nations Karen Pierce told reporters that it is absolutely unthinkable that the terrorist factions in the terrorist-held Syrian province of Idlib could possibly be planning a terrorist attack using chemical weapons with the intention of blaming it on the Syrian government. Her reasoning? […]

Israel Evacuated Alleged Mossad-Linked Rebel Commanders During “Humanitarian” White Helmet Rescue

DAMASCUS, SYRIA – Over the weekend, and as MintPress predicted last Tuesday, the controversial Western government-funded “humanitarian” group, the Syrian Civil Defense — popularly known as the White Helmets — were evacuated from southern Syria as the Syrian government continues to gain ground in its offensive throughout the country’s southwest.

Syrian Army has evidence ISIS, terrorists, use Israeli weapons [Video]

As rebels in Syria surrender their medium and heavy weapons, the Syrian Army is driving ISIS out of the southern countryside, near the Golan Heights.
The Syrian army has found something peculiar amongst the captured arsenal of hundreds of different weapons. The weapons captured included grenades, many RPGs, makeshift mortars, and even WW2 era machine guns, however, this was not what caught the eye of government forces.

How Western Meddling and a Dust Bowl Drought Ignited Syria’s Civil War

DOUMA, SYRIA (Opinion) —  The reported “chemical attack” at Douma, Russia has claimed, was fake news. One U.S. news agency has now confirmed from the location of the reported attack that April 7, 2018 was an uneventful day in this Syrian city and not one single person in Douma corroborated the story of a chemical attack taking place.

Dear Salafist Wahhabi Apologists

Mehdi Hasan (MH) can hardly be blamed for the ignorance that he displays in his Intercept article, “Dear Bashar al-Assad Apologists: Your Hero Is a War Criminal Even If He Didn’t Gas Syrians.”  He has apparently never been to Syria, doesn’t often do research on Syria, and gets his information from proponents of a single point of view, representing a bunch of idealists that want to usher in their idea of a liberal democracy in Syria, without benefit of e

France Risks War With Fellow NATO Member Turkey in Effort to Prop up Syrian Rebels

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent surprise announcement that he plans to withdraw the United States military from Syria “very soon” and that he will let “the other people take care of it now” may be more telling of what’s to come than the mainstream media would have us believe. The indication that Trump may let the “other […]

Syrian Rebels Using Snipers to Kill Civilians Trying to Flee War-Torn Syrian City

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Syrian rebels are sniping down civilians attempting to flee the violence in Eastern Ghouta through a corridor opened up by the Syrian government, according to a U.N. official as reported by the New York Times. Sajjad Malik, head of the United Nations refugee agency from Damascus, returned to Beirut late last week after entering Eastern Ghouta with a […]

Israel Ramps Up Support For Over 7 Syrian Rebel Factions In Desperate Bid to Expand Reach

GOLAN, SYRIA — As the acute phase of civil warfare in Syria winds down while the government of President Bashar al-Assad increasingly gains the upper hand over foreign-funded insurgents, regional powers are desperately boosting aid for local proxies in a last-ditch attempt to rekindle the nearly seven-year-long conflict and gain a strategic foothold in the war-torn Arab republic.

Ron Paul Uncovers the United Nations’ Syrian Propaganda Stunt

Ron Paul says that the Syrian Army is defeating radical jihadist rebels in Ghouta, an enclave near Damascus, yet the United Nations is painting Syrian President Assad as a killer of children. When the Syrian Army forced ISIS out of Aleppo, the media accused them of atrocities, but citizens eagerly returned to their homes, proving that the media was lying. This analysis covers many additional topics that make it well worth watching. [...]

Israel Is Directly Arming at Least 7 Syrian Rebel Groups

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Israel’s mounting interest in Syria’s War, and in particular in picking fights with the Assad government, Iran, and any other Shi’ite factions in the country, have included reports by analysts of a growing amount of Israeli arms and ammunition flowing across the border for rebels. Officially, Israel isn’t a big fan on Sunni Islamist organizations. Such […]