Syrian government

Passing the Torch to a New Generation of Syrians

Passing the Torch to a New Generation of Syrians
Few, one imagines, in the Syrian Arab Republic these days  question the urgency and enormity of the task of  reconstruction of their ancient country from war inflicted destruction caused by a carnage  already more than half as long as World War I and approaching half as long as World War II.

VIDEO: Rockets Used in Damascus CW Attack Fired from Makeshift Flatbeds, Not Military Vehicles

VIDEO: Rockets Used in Damascus CW Attack Fired from Makeshift Flatbeds, Not Military Vehicles
Video emerges of unmarked truck-mounted launcher surrounded by militants, firing same ordnance used in August 21 Damascus (and other) chemical attacks.
by Tony Cartalucci  - Land Destroyer Report

Nasrallah: Saudi Arabia, Turkey have failed in Syria

Nasrallah: Saudi Arabia, Turkey have failed in Syria

(Al-Akhbar) – Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other regional countries backing Syria’s rebels must acknowledge their failures to bring down the Syrian government, and join efforts for a political solution to end the two and a half year civil war, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah said on Monday.

Western lies, criminality unraveling in Syria

Western lies, criminality unraveling in Syria

by Finian Cunningham
(PRESS TV) – The US has accused Russia of “swimming against the tide” in persisting with its claims that foreign-backed militants in Syria committed the chemical weapons attacks, not the Syrian armed forces, as the Western governments have asserted.

UN Official, Syrian Rebels Used Sarin Nerve Gas, Not Assad’s Army

UN Official, Syrian Rebels Used Sarin Nerve Gas, Not Assad’s Army
Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria. 2013/REUTERS/Denis Balibo
by Paul Ebeling
Testimony from victims now strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian  government, that used Sarin Nerve Gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior UN diplomat said Monday.