
Watch: Colonel Says Israel Is Dragging the United States Into World War III

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Israel is in the process of plunging America into a war with Iran that could destroy what’s left of the Middle East and ignite a third world war, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, warned in Washington approximately a week ago. Wilkerson, a retired army colonel who now teaches […]

“We Note Your Concerns” – ABC News Responds to Accusations of Misreporting Syrian Conflict

White Helmet images allegedly from Eastern Ghouta invariably depict WH operative carrying baby or child with no mother in attendance. No context, no names, no record of the incident. 21st Century Wire | March 9, 2018 David Macilwain is an Australian journalist and peace activist whose battle against ABC’s misrepresentation of the Syrian Conflict is […]

Why the West cannot stomach Russians

When it comes to Russia or the Soviet Union, reports and historical accounts do get blurry; in the West they do, and consequently in all of its ‘client states’.
Fairy tales get intermingled with reality, while fabrications are masterfully injected into the subconsciousness of billions of people worldwide. Russia is an enormous country, in fact, the largest country on Earth in terms of territory. It is scarcely inhabited. It is deep, and as a classic once wrote: “It is impossible to understand Russia with one’s brain. One could only believe in it.”

AfD MPs in Damascus: Media Coverage of Syrian Conflict is Fundamentally Untrue

Sputnik – March 8, 2108 Despite the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommending to withhold the trip to Syria, several members from the AfD took the risk of visiting the war-torn country. A group of seven politicians from the right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” has visited Syria to find out whether the country is safe, citing a lack of trust in the […]

Really Think the US & Turkey Aren’t Fighting One Another in Syria? Think, Again!

For all intents and purposes the fight between the US and Turkey is on. To my mind the on the ground fighting between US & Turkey began around Manbij some time ago. Specifically at al Bab- flashbackThe struggle between Turkey and the US goes back to the Reyhanli bombing and of course the US instigated coup. If you hadn't accepted that US and Turkey "alliance" had become antagonistic then, may as well accept it now.

Analysts alarmed over Pentagon’s 60,000-strong Syrian rebel force

‘US aid ends up with extremists’ RT | March 7, 2018 Analysts have warned that US-supported groups in Syria often defect to extremists with their weapons. That’s after it was revealed the Pentagon plans to spend around $300 million to train and equip a 60,000-strong army in Syria. Commenting on the Pentagon’s plans to build, […]

Syria update: Syrian army advances in East Ghouta; Turkish army advances in Afrin

In the last few days the pattern the Syrian conflict has been taking is one of continuing advances by the Syrian army against the Jihadi fighters in East Ghouta, and by the Turkish army against the Kurdish militia in Afrin.
Reports from East Ghouta suggest that 40% of the former Jihadi enclave has now been recaptured by the Syrian army, up from the 30% of the enclave which the Syrian controlled just two days ago.

Tehran Admits 2,100 Iranian Soldiers Killed in Syria and Iraq

(MEMO) — Some 2,100 Iranian soldiers have been killed in Syria and Iraq over the past seven years, the first official statistic on military losses in the conflict has revealed, according to the New Khalij. The figure was announced at a tree planting ceremony in Tehran yesterday, in which a seeding tree was sowed for each soldier who […]