
In Syria, Media Hypes Enemy Crimes and Ignores Ally’s Atrocities

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — While the media decries the Syrian government’s alleged actions in Eastern Ghouta, governments and media institutions across the globe continue to turn a blind eye to the mounting evidence that a NATO ally is committing mass murder on a scale equal to that of the Syrian regime – in Syrian territory. Approximately seven weeks ago, Turkey invaded the Syrian […]

Theresa May Delivers an Ultimatum to Moscow- 24 Hours to Respond

 Theresa May ups the Anxiety Inducing Theatrics in Britain  as everybody sits on the edge of their seats, because Moscow has been given 24, or maybe 48 hours, "to respond".....Oh what will they say?!   I can just imagine what it's like in telly land? The not knowing. This over the top drama, apparent from the get go, now requires you to wait for the next episode  before knowing the outcome. Was just talking to hubby, discussing with him, that I see the whole 24 hour ultimatum as still more theatrics.

Elijah J. Magnier: Developments in Ghouta, Afrin, and Corporate Media’s Shameful Reporting on Syria

On March 11, 2018, I was joined again by courageous journalist and analyst, Elijah J. Magnier, who was in Syria. He addressed developments in eastern Ghouta and in Syria’s northwestern region of Afrin–where Turkey has been waging an illegal month and a half-long bombardment operation, killing hundreds of Syrian civilians.

Retired US Colonel: Israel Is Dragging the United States Into World War III

By Darius Shahtahmasebi | Mint Press News | March 12, 2018 Israel is in the process of plunging America into a war with Iran that could destroy what’s left of the Middle East and ignite a third world war, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, warned in Washington approximately a […]

Al-Nusra terrorists used chlorine chemicals in Eastern Ghouta – Russian envoy to UN

RT | March 12, 2018 Russia’s envoy to the UN Vassily Nebenzia has accused militant groups in Eastern Ghouta of using chlorine gas, while stressing that the Syrian government has every right to eradicate the “terrorism hotbed” near its capital. Nebenzia has defended Syria’s government and the ongoing anti-terrorism operation in Eastern Ghouta, asserting that […]