
‘Israel is Lying, What They Bombed in 2007 Wasn’t a Nuclear Facility’ – Analyst

Sputnik – March 22, 2018 Israel’s Defense Forces stated that four Israeli jets destroyed a nuclear facility in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor in 2007. Sputnik discussed the reasons why this announcement has been made now with Dr. Taleb Ibrahim, a Syrian political analyst and deputy director of the Damascus Centre for Strategic Studies. […]

A Multinational Regional Remake was Impeded in Afrin

 I'm not going to say it was stopped dead in it's tracks. Since I'm expecting the US to make yet another move. Perhaps with Israel by it's side? The remake the region agenda has been spoken of for years here at the blog. It’s interesting to me that the Turks and Russians both speak openly about the US plan to remake the region. Assad has also. The 5 eyes msm and alt don't mention it. Save for a handful of individuals.

Israel Finally Admits to Bombing Syrian Nuclear Reactor, Warns Iran Could Be Next

(CD) — Israel on Wednesday admitted it bombed a suspected Syrian nuclear facility 11 years ago, and Israeli officials used the confirmation to boast about their country’s military might and again threaten Iran. “The message from the 2007 attack on the reactor is that Israel will not tolerate construction that can pose an existential threat,” military chief Lt. Gen. […]

Donald Trump calls out MSM: “Getting along with Russia is a good thing”

President Trump has found his stride as American Statesman after his first year in office. He has come to realize that the media and the political establishment will never agree to see or take his side on issues. Further, he always knew that his job as President was and is to lead the nation, not to worry about political points from critics.

Western Media Finally Gives Credit to Syrian Government for Defeating ISIS

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — The Syrian government and its allies are fast defeating ISIS and al-Qaeda out of Syria, Deutsche Welle (DW) reports. However, one wouldn’t know this was the case if they consumed only mainstream media’s one-sided coverage of the Syrian conflict. According to U.S. media, only Donald Trump receives credit for the disintegration of ISIS’ caliphate, and very few outlets actually […]