
Chinese defense minister wants to show America how close China and Russia are in military cooperation

Chinese defense minister Wei Fenghi together with the Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi are presently in Moscow to meet with their Russian counterparts. The visit is largely to act as a show of force to Washington to demonstrate the closeness of Russian and Chinese militaries, as well as to show their backing of Russia at the 7th Moscow Conference on International Security. RT reports:

ISIS Seizes Deir ez Zor Oil Field from US backed Kurds in US Held Territory?!

  Who in their right, rational mind would believe that ISIS actually seized a Deir ez Zor Oil Field from the US backed Kurds? In territory that the US occupies, having built multiple bases in that territory, having all those bases filled with both PKK/YPG & coalition troops?  What kind of hard core drugs would one have to have sniffed, snorted or popped to believe that absolute nonsense. If SAA so much as comes close to their oil fields, or look sideways at them, they are bombed to smithereens!

The UK Government – and Not Russia – is the Real Threat to UK Security

By Neil Clark | Sputnik | April 2, 2018 Here we go again. In the UK government’s latest 52 page ’National Security Capability Review’, guess who’s right there at the top of the threats Britain faces? Yes – those dastardly Russians! ‘The resurgence of state-based threats, intensifying wider state competition and the erosion of the rules-based international […]

France Risks War With Fellow NATO Member Turkey in Effort to Prop up Syrian Rebels

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent surprise announcement that he plans to withdraw the United States military from Syria “very soon” and that he will let “the other people take care of it now” may be more telling of what’s to come than the mainstream media would have us believe. The indication that Trump may let the “other […]

The Outrage Over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal: “We Took The Oil. We’ve Got To Keep The Oil”

Regime change advocates, neocon beltway hawks, and all the usual armchair warrior zero-skin-in-the-game think tank interventionistas are in continued meltdown mode after Trump confirmed plans to withdraw American forces – some 2000+ troops and personnel – from Syria. On Friday the president told senior White House aides that US forces will be exiting Syria after public comments made earlier.

America Faces a Vietcong Style Genuine Arab Rebellion in Syria

By Adam Garrie | Eurasia Future | 2018-04-02 While the Syrian Arab Army has liberated all of Eastern Ghouta from pro-western Takfiri terrorists and Turkey continues to be unable to get the US to agree on a disarmament agreement regarding YPG/PKK terrorists in Manbij, in Raqqa, a genuine Arab rebellion is taking place against the […]