
Turkey’s Erdogan Warns France Not to Make ‘Same Mistake’ as US in Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned the French government not to “make the same mistake” as the United States has in Syria, adding that French troops need to stay out of the city of Manbij. Turkey intends to attack Manbij next, and has long been mad at the US for backing the Kurdish YPG, who […]

The Media Lost Its Sh*t Over the Possibility of US Troops Leaving Syria

(FAIR) At a rally in Cleveland last week, President Donald Trump said that the US will get out of Syria “very soon.” It is now clear that the 4,000 US troops currently occupying Syria (Washington Post, 10/31/17) will in fact stay in Syria (Independent, 4/4/18), even though keeping troops in another country in defiance of that country’s government […]

Manbij Quandary- US Turkish Tensions to Worsen & Mattis set to go

You better believe the Manbij situation and the possible kicking to the curb of Mattis are connected! Flashback: Jim Mattis- His alleged appeasement of Turkey is pretty questionable however it may have been too much for the superhawks in the Trump Whitehouse. FrontPage Magazine: Time to Get Tough With Turkey

‘Netanyahu, Trump clash over early Syria withdrawal plan’

Press TV – April 6, 2018 A recent telephone conversation between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump grew tense over Trump’s earlier expression of his tendency to withdraw US forces from Syria “very soon,” according to two US officials. Netanyahu and Trump discussed regional developments over the phone on Wednesday, according […]

Trump Wants to Know Why US Drone Strikes Are Trying to Avoid Killing Civilians

(ANTIMEDIA) — On the 2016 campaign trail, President Donald J. Trump famously stated he would not only bomb the sh*t out of ISIS’ oil fields but that he would also kill the terrorists’ families. “We’re fighting a very politically correct war,” Trump said at the time. “And the other thing with the terrorists — you have to take out their families. When you get […]