
Another Jihadi defeat in Syria; another alleged chemical attack

To anyone who has followed the Syrian war the news today sounds all too depressingly familiar.
After a series of advances the Syrian army has gained control of around 90% of the former Jihadi enclave of East Ghouta.  The last remaining part of the enclave still under Jihadi control – the town of Douma – is now entirely surrounded by the Syrian army save for a single humanitarian corridor, and the position of the Jihadis there has become militarily hopeless.

Trump Threatens Putin and “Animal Assad” Over Syrian Chemical Attack

(ZHE) — It’s deja vu all over again. Remember when the US admitted Syrian “rebels” have used chemical weapons? Or when earlier this year, the now former Secretary of State blamed Russia for an alleged Syrian chemical attack, despite admitting he doesn’t know who actually did it? Or when the US finally admitted there was “no evidence” Assad used sarin gas? Or just last […]

Turkey: France’s buildup in Syria will amount to ‘invasion’

Press TV – April 8, 2018 Turkey which has deployed troops to northern Syria says if France steps up its military presence in the Arab country, it will amount to an “invasion.” “If France takes any steps regarding its military presence in northern Syria, this would be an illegitimate step that would go against international […]

The END of International Law…

The mess that’s been created in Syria is extraordinary. Syria is also definitively where international law died. Arguably, Iraq and Libya saw international law already collapsing: but Syria is where even all pretense of international law died. It is where borders, sovereignty and the right to self-determination got tossed out the window. It is also […]

Trump's Syria "Withdrawal" Was Textbook US Deception

April 8, 2018 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - The US media is now priming the global public for US intervention in Syria following alleged "chemical attacks" carried out in the remaining pocket of US-backed militants in Douma, just northeast of Damascus.Image: Trump isn't going to "withdraw" from Syria when the special interests he represents still fully plan on waging war - proxy or otherwise - on Syria's ally Iran.

Rebels/ Terrorists Claim Syrian Forces Drop Chemicals on Douma


BEIRUT, April 7 (Reuters) - Syrian rebel group Jaish al-Islam accused government forces on Saturday of dropping a barrel bomb containing poisonous chemicals on civilians in eastern Ghouta, injuring more than 500 people.

"The Assad regime and its allies carry on with their crimes," the rebels' military spokesman Hamza Birqdar told al-Hadath TV.