
Taking the World to the Brink of Annihilation

Western neoconservatives and hawks are driving the international situation to increasing tension and danger. Not content with the destruction of Iraq and Libya based on false claims, they are now pressing for a direct US attack on Syria.
As a dangerous prelude, Israeli jets flying over Lebanese airspace fired missiles against the T4/Tiyas Airbase west of Palmyra.
This was Predicted

Another False Flag - Will Trump Escalate In Syria?

April 10, 2018 (Ron Paul Liberty Report) Rebel-allied organizations in Syria have claimed that the government has released chlorine gas near Ghouta, killing dozens. The Syrians and Russians deny the charges. Neocons are all demanding that Trump launch a bigger attack or America will "lose face." Will the Russians sit back and allow another US attack on the Syrian government?

Russia controls Douma, guarantees impartial investigation; that makes US attack MORE likely

Amidst all the fury about the alleged chemical attack on Douma on Sunday, it is impossible to hold on to one single vital fact.
There have been two previous occasions when chemical weapons attacks had resulted in actual or threatened US military action.  The first was in 2013 in East Ghouta, the second was in 2017 in Khan Sheikhoun.
On both those occasions the Jihadis after the alleged attacks retained control of the alleged crime scene, ie. of the place where the chemical weapons attack was supposed to have happened.

Amazing Paul Joseph Watson video exposes false flag Syrian chemical weapons hoax

This is not “America first,” this is the deep state first.
What is Trump doing, falling for this lunatic, Deep State false flag attack?
We can only help cooler heads prevail, because a full scale Trump-US attack on Syria would result in a disastrous, wider world war with nuclear implications.

Meanwhile Stephan Molyneux exposes the clear motivations behind the latest Syrian chemical weapons hoax pushing Trump towards war with Syria, Iran and Russia.
Molyneux helps us take note that Trump is in a “Mueller” bind, and Democrats hate Russia

Douma Chemical Attack: Another Link in the Chain of Staged Provocations

It would be naïve to think that the chemical attack in Syria and the Skripal scandal are two separate events. They are links in the same chain. With the spy poisoning case leading nowhere, the anti-Russia campaign needs a new impetus. The alleged CW attack is a good pretext to spur the efforts.
The post Douma Chemical Attack: Another Link in the Chain of Staged Provocations appeared first on BSNEWS.

Syria chemical attack: Theresa May says Assad’s allies should be held to account

RT | April 9, 2018 Prime Minister Theresa May said all supporters of Syria’s leader Bashar Assad should be held to account over an alleged chemical attack on a formerly rebel-held town. Russia says there is currently no evidence of the attack. Speaking in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Tory leader said that if allegations of a […]

Israel Strikes Syria. US Decision For Further Strikes in 24-48 Hours

Israeli protestors I’d actually expected that Israel would strike Syria. (see my comment from the other day below) And being Israel, bloodthirsty and always destabilizing it was their military that fired the shots. We’re their citizens, whom are proudly bloodthirsty too, holding placards saying kill them all as the missiles flew?  Did they go out like spectators to watch as others die?  Cause they've done that before!

Eight reasons why the latest Syria chemical weapons attack allegations are almost certainly complete nonsense

There is much ambiguity surrounding the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, said to have taken place late Saturday, but there are a few matters that are clear: First, the reports are “unverified”, according to The Wall Street Journal [1] and British Foreign Office [2] and are unconfirmed, according to the US State Department [3]. What’s more, The New York […]