
Israel’s shadow interests: warned US about strike on Syria, did NOT warn Russia

On Bright Monday – April 9th, 2018, one day after Syrian Christians celebrated Orthodox Pascha (Easter), two Israeli F-15 fighters launched guided missiles from Lebanese airspace.
They struck Syria’s T-4 airbase in Homs province, without warning or just cause. Five out of eight missiles found themselves neutralized.
Three, however, found their mark – the western part of the airbase, as we have already covered.

Illegal Military Strike on Syria Would Alienate Trump’s Alt-Right Base

(MEE) — When Donald Trump ran for president, he touted a non-interventionist foreign policy that would keep the United States out of costly wars in faraway lands. He blasted his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton as “trigger-happy,” saying that recent episodes of US interventions have “produced only turmoil and suffering and death”. Syria’s messy civil war, in particular, […]

US Builds Coalition for Imminent War With Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — President Trump is in the process of building a new coalition of allies to participate in a multi-nation “strike force” attack on the Syrian government. This talk of coalition action reflects the rapid escalation of plans for war with Syria since US officials embraced Saturday’s allegations of a chemical weapons strike. Officials said as early as Sunday […]

On Syria & unverifiable, baseless, CW allegations

As US and allies’ hysteria, war propaganda rhetoric, and threats against Syria–threats of (again) bombing Syria–ramp up, sage voices counter the lies. As a number of credible and informed voices have written or spoken on this, I’ll post below a number of interviews and analyses on recent events in Syria and threats to Syria, and indeed threats to the world, even those who are disinterested in the well-being of Syrians.

Israel Bombed Syria to Distract the Media From Its Own War Crimes in Gaza

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — The United States, France, and Britain have agreed to respond to an alleged Syrian gas attack that took place in Douma, reportedly killing dozens of people. This is despite the fact that Reuters already reported that U.S. government sources told the news outlet that the U.S. government had “not yet conclusively determined whether the attack was carried out by President Bashar al-Assad’s […]

Syrian Gas Attack Connected to Bigger Conflict?

Another devastating report from the Middle East: some 40 children hit by a gas attack in Syria, with Assad’s government being blamed.
President Trump tweets Assad is an “animal,” but that Russia and Iran are responsible for backing him. And there’s a “big price to pay.”
Twelve hours later, missile strikes hit a Syrian air base, killing 14 including Iranians. Assad blames Israel, and Senator Lindsey Graham says Israel would have every right to do so “because Iran is very embedded in Syria.”