
Trump Challenges Russia: “Get Ready” to Shoot Down Missiles Fired at Syria

(ZHE)  — A shooting war between the US and Russia appears imminent. Following overnight speculation that the US may launch an airstrike on Syria at any moment, this morning, in his latest fiery tweetstorm, after slamming the failing New York Times and again lashing out at the Russia collusion probe and Cohen’s office raid, Trump tweeted that […]

Al-Qaeda, ISIS planning offensive in Syria once Trump launches missiles

The Commander of the FSA (Free Syrian Army, aka Al-Qaeda/ISIS) announced they will begin a new offensive in Syria. This comes on the heels of Trump’s announcement that he will likely give the green light to strike Syrian government and Russian targets in Syria.
He also claimed that possible US strike will weaken Damascus’ position and will allow to start “real talk” for a peace agreement.

Any US missiles fired at Syria will be shot down, launch sites targeted – Russian envoy to Lebanon

RT | April 11, 2018 The Russian military reserves the right to shoot down missiles and destroy launch sites in the event of US aggression against Syria, Moscow’s envoy to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin has warned. Zasypkin stressed that “the Russian forces will confront any US aggression on Syria, by intercepting the missiles and striking their […]

Nonsense about Syria gas attacks reveals US ideology of tyranny

By Stephen Gowans | what’s left | April 11, 2018 Ideologues of US power, notably those ensconced in the editorial offices of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, believe that the United States has an imprescriptible right to exercise an absolutist tyranny over the world, to define the boundary between civilization and barbarism, […]

Russia responds to Trump: ‘US missiles fired at Syria will be shot down, origin of launch will be targeted’

“The Russian forces will confront any US aggression on Syria, by intercepting the missiles and striking their launch pads,” said Moscow’s envoy to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin in an interview with al-Manar TV.
He continued by saying, that “Russia will implement what its President [Vladimir Putin] announced on dealing with any American aggression on Syria by knocking down US missiles and targeting its launch centers.”

6 simple reasons why Trump is going to war in Syria

POTUS Trump knows that the chemical attack in Syria is a hoax and false flag.
The mainstream media knows that the chemical attack in Syria is a hoax and false flag.
All of Congress knows that the chemical attack in Syria is a hoax and false flag.
The entire world knows that Assad is not that stupid (he is a doctor and ophthalmologist) so as to gas women and children at the very moment he is winning the war in Syria…launching a chemical weapons strike for shits and giggle, moments after Trump announced a US pullout from Syria.

Britain and its Deadly Chemical Games

By Martin Berger – New Eastern Outlook – 10.04.2018 There’s no arguing that recently we’ve witnessed an abrupt increase of public interest in chemical weapons and the top-secret British laboratory Porton Down due to the alleged poisoning of Sergei Skripal in the so-called Salisbury incident. Back in 2004, the Guardian would announce that this laboratory had […]

Syria: Chemical Weapons Use, Destruction Of Children, The Ethical Vacuum

  At the heart of this growing phenomenon of mass violence and social disintegration is a crisis of values. Perhaps the most fundamental loss a society can suffer is the collapse of its own value system. Many societies exposed to protracted conflicts have seen their community values radically undermined if not shattered altogether. This has given rise to an ethical[Read More...]