
Trump and Syria: “The worst case scenario is now our reality”

As all becomes ever more rapidly surreal it seems that, barring a miracle, Draft Dodger in Chief, Donald Trump might trigger a world war, over an incident in Syria which is entirely evidence free.
The discredited White Helmets – a “rescue” group only operating in areas held by “rebels” who routinely decapitate, including children, set fire to people and commit numerous unspeakable acts – have produced a video of an apparent chemical attack on 7th April.

UK Labour leader Corbyn says MPs should have say on military action in Syria

Press TV – April 12, 2018 The leader of Britain’s opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, says members of parliament (MPs) should decide if British Prime Minister Theresa May can join the United States in any military action against Syria in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack. Corbyn, a veteran anti-war campaigner, also demanded a […]

Under International Law, Military Strikes by the US Against Syria Are Illegal Acts of Aggression

In this statement released Wednesday, a group of international law experts warn that a U.S. military strike on Syria would be illegal if not in self-defense or with U.N. Security Council authorization. (CN) — We are practitioners and professors of international law. Under international law, military strikes by the United States of America and its allies against […]