
US Intelligence Veterans Urge Trump to Seek Evidence Before Attacking Syria

(CN) — In this memo to the White House, the Veteran Intelligence Professions for Sanity urge President Trump to get the evidence first before deciding to strike Syria. MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Evidence Required for Military Decision on Syria Mr. President, We the undersigned Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity join a […]

Pompeo Openly Brags About US Killing Hundreds of Russians in Syria

(ANTIMEDIA) — U.S. President Trump’s nominee to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state confirmed on Thursday that “a couple hundred Russians were killed by U.S. forces in Syria not too long ago,” TIME reports. Mike Pompeo, currently still serving as director of the CIA, offered this confirmation in response to questions from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about […]

Tucker Carlson accused of pushing ‘Russian propaganda’ [VIDEO]

In previous pieces examining Tucker Carlson’s very honest analysis, we also saw how at times it gets blown to shreds by his own defensive behavior when questioned. Since the modus operandi of the American mainstream press (of which Fox News a part) is a sensationalized yelling match instead of a legitimate and civilized debate, it is often difficult to separate the rhetoric from the reality.

‘Thousands of rotting corpses’ under ruins of Raqqa a public health crisis – Russian MoD

RT | April 13, 2018 The Russian Defense Ministry has criticized the Western-led coalition for creating a sanitation emergency in Raqqa after it took the Syrian city from Islamic State, but failed to organize a clean-up or rebuild. “The epidemiological situation in Raqqa remains very grave. There are still thousands of corpses rotting underneath the […]

As if Russia Weren’t Enough, Bolton Apparently Wants to Take on China, Too

(ANTIMEDIA) — Hyping the threat of John Bolton’s recent appointment as national security advisor may prove completely justified, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP). According to SCMP, two former senior U.S. officials told the outlet that Bolton is willing to risk a military conflict with China to achieve U.S. President Donald Trump’s goals for the United States. From SCMP: “John […]

Learn from Iraq, Libya Lavrov warns US

Russian FM Serge Lavrov does not want Syria to go the way of Iraq and Libya [PPIO]
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has once again pointed to the US debacle in Iraq and Libya as likely fallout if Washington repeats its former foreign policies in Syria.
“God forbid anything adventurous will be done in Syria following the Libyan and Iraqi experience,” Lavrov told a press conference on Friday.
Russia has previously pointed to these two Middle Eastern and North African states as the aftermath of US interventionism in the region.

Murad Gazdiev Dismantles ‘Credibility’ of Key Source Promoting Chemical Attack Lies on Syria

Important commentary by Murad Gazdiev, on the alleged chemical attacks in Douma, Syria, and the usual suspect sources purveying these lies, which include the Syrian American Medical Society.


Gazdiev: “It was the Syrian SAMS–the Syrian American Medical Society–that initially claimed that they had treated 500 people with with symptoms indicative of exposure to a chemical agent.