
Trump Bombs Syria, Violating Domestic and International Law

(CD) — Foreign policy experts, human rights groups, and anti-war activists all immediately and forcefully condemned the U.S. bombardment of Syria on Friday night after reports indicated the “illegal” attack on the sovereign Middle East nation had begun and President Donald Trump announced in a national address that he had ordered the strikes alongside French and U.K. […]

Sky News cuts off former head of British military forces for questioning narrative on Syria chemical attack

The former commanding of the British armed forces in Iraq, General Jonathan Shaw, went on Sky News to talk about the ease of conducting military strikes without Parliamentary approval. Once the anchor asked the question about how Russia could be influencing the issue, the general shifted the question to that of motive: why would Assad launch a chemical attack when he was clearly winning?

Syria’s air defense downs cruise missiles over eastern Damascus

Reports are out that the Syrian Air Defense has intercepted numerous cruise missiles over eastern Damascus. However, not all of the barrage was blocked, as numerous cruise missiles found their targets, including a Syrian army depot in Homs, according to the British Defense Ministry.
Meanwhile, a Reuters witness reported multiple explosions in Damascus, with billowing smoke rising over the Syrian capital.

Pentagon confirms: operation against Syria is ‘limited one time shot’

As news of the US missile strikes continues to trickle in from Syria, a briefing in the Pentagon by US Defense Secretary General Mattis and by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dunford has confirmed the limited extent of today’s missile strike on Syria.
The strike was referred to as a “one time shot” – supposedly to deter the Syrian government from launching further chemical weapons attacks – with three targets hit.

Strikes against Syria will have consequences, ‘we are being threatened’ – Russian ambassador to US

“We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences,” Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said on Friday night in a statement after a US-led strike on Syria. “All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London, and Paris.”
Antonov went on to say “a pre-designed scenario is being implemented. We are being threatened.”

US, UK, France Launch Attack on Syria, Huge Blasts Heard in Damascus

(ZHE) Summary: Around 9pm ET on Friday, April 13, the US, UK and France launched attack on Syrian regime targets. Strikes targeted regime bases and chemical weapon production facilities in Damascus and Homs. The strikes consisted of 3 waves of attacks and are now complete. Russia was not pre-notified about tonight’s “kinetic activity.” Double the number […]