
21stCenturyWire restores service after sustained DDoS attack

Dear Readers, Glad to have you back. Firstly, we would like to apologise for being offline most of last week. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to get back online. On Tuesday April 10th, 2018 at approximately 2pm EST, sustained a heavy Denial of Service (DDoS) cyber attack and were only able to restore […]

More Pentagon bulls**t…”2,000% increase in Russian trolls” since US illegally attacked Syria

Anyone who opposes the war in Syria is a Russian troll. That is how the Pentagon war machine shuts down debate.
Don’t question intelligence agencies and military generals under the MIC payroll. They would never create false flags in order to plunge the world into more conflict. Forget all about the lies told and false flags that started Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq 1, Iraq 2, Libya and now Syria.
This is how the sick, twisted, completely corrupt, f***in stupid mainstream media frames the debate.

Turkey’s Erdogan praises US illegal airstrike on Syria

Never one to burn bridges, Turkish President Erdogan continues to play both sides of the cold war 2.0 fence.
In a statement on Saturday, the Turkish foreign ministry said the US-led operation “has eased humanity’s conscience in the face of” the suspected chemical attack.
The Turkish dictator welcomed illegal US, UK and French strikes against Syria, calling them an “appropriate” retaliation for Damascus’ “inhumane” attacks.
“We consider this operation as appropriate,” Erdogan told a meeting of his ruling party in Istanbul.

US is ‘locked and loaded,’ Trump warns of more strikes on Syria

The warning came via US ambassador Nikki Haley at an emergency UN Security Council meeting Saturday, a day after the US, UK and France struck three Syrian sites in response to an alleged chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of Douma last week.
The UN meeting came with some heated exchanges between the American, Russian and Syrian envoys.

Dispatches from Damascus. Part One

USA, France and UK paid a collective cost of around $1.4 billion to fire their cruise missiles. It cost Syria about $1.4 million in air defence technology to defend itself against the attack. Call me a cynic but this looks awfully like a massive western money laundering operation to benefit Raytheon, Boeing and other corporate interests in the military industrial complex.
The post Dispatches from Damascus. Part One appeared first on BSNEWS.

Secret Saudi Cable Leaked: Overthrow the Syrian Gov’t, but Play Nice With Russia

(ZHE) — Hours after the overnight US-led missile strikes on Syria, WikiLeaks republished a crucially important diplomatic cable through its official media accounts confirming that Saudi Arabia’s long term strategy in Syria has been to pursue regime change “by all means available.” According to the leaked internal Saudi government document, this is the kingdom’s proposed end-goal even should the United States at […]

World Leaders Condemn Attack on Syria as US Threatens Additional Airstrikes

(CD) — As foreign policy experts denounced the missile strikes ordered by President Donald Trump Friday night, U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley further troubled critics on Saturday when she warned that the U.S. is prepared to attack the war-torn country again. “I spoke to the US president this morning and he said that if the Syrian regime uses this […]