
Watch: Russia Predicted a Fake Chemical Attack, US Response Before It Happened

(TFC) – Sometimes bizarre claims by foreign governments are so shocking they are dismissed and never thought of again. But what happens when the events predicted occur exactly as described? A stub of an article published by Reuters on March 13, 2018, almost a month before the purported chemical attack in Ghouta, reads: “Russia said […]

China Slams US ‘Arrogance’ in Syria Strike, Backs Russia

(ZHE) While the lack of retaliation by Russia to Trump’s Friday night Syrian airstrikes surprised some, Russia defended its stance of shrugging in response (and not escalating to full blown world war), by asserting that Soviet-made missiles intercepted more than half of the 105 cruise missiles fired at three Syrian facilities (the Pentagon denied any missiles […]

Center Hit in US Attack Produced Cancer Drugs: Medical Head

Al-Manar | April 15, 2018 Western powers claim their missile attacks struck at the heart of Syria’s chemical weapons program but what they destroyed included a scientific research institution producing cancer drugs. The Pentagon said three chemical weapons facilities, including a research and development center in Damascus’ Barzeh district and two installations near Homs, were […]

China BLASTS ‘American Arrogance.’ Calls US attack against Syria a false flag

In a front-page OpEd on the Chinese state-owned Global Times, China slams Trump’s involvement in Syria…

“The facts cannot be distorted. This military strike was not authorized by the UN, and the strikes targeted a legal government of a UN member state… it has not been confirmed if the chemical weapons attack happened or if it did, whether government forces or opposition forces launched it. International organizations have not carried out any authoritative investigation.”