
Trump Administration Wants Saudi-Coalition to Take U.S. Mantle in Syria

U.S. President Donald Trump is preparing to put his “hybrid plan” in place in Syria, according to a new report from the Wall Street Journal.
The Wall Street Journal’s sources among U.S. officials claim the Trump Administration is attempting to establish an Arab force that would replace U.S. troops in the war-torn country.

The list of countries where 13 million displaced Syrians reside [Chart]

America’s seven year regime change war on Syria has left nearly 13 million people displaced, and without a home.
Unfortunately, US UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has signaled that instead of simply disengaging from a disastrous policy in Syria, the United States plans on doubling down, by keeping occupation forces within Syria for the indefinite future.

Further strikes against Syria will lead to ‘global chaos,’ warns Putin

Following a US led strike on Syria’s capital, Damascus, and while staring down the barrel of a new round of sanctions against Russia, the Russian President Vladimir Putin, via a statement issued by the Kremlin, cautioned that any further military action against Syria by Western forces could further destabilize and “lead to chaos in international relations”.

Russia Probably Hid Evidence of a Chemical Attack in Syria, or so We’re Told

(CN Op-ed) — We are now being told (and I assure you I am not making this up) that if the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons doesn’t find evidence that the Syrian government conducted a chemical weapons attack in Douma last week, it’s because Russia hid the evidence. “It is our understanding the Russians may […]

Macron’s Syria Game

There is a certain bullishness in French circles these days, even if there was an initial attempt, with the Macron government, to calm matters down.  The need to assert Gallic might in the face of brutality has again surfaced; and has a familiar ring to it.  With Syria’s Bashar al-Assad getting more comfortable with military progress, officials in the United States, France and Britain are chewing finger nails and churning out policy papers of concern.

Fisk Rips Away Excuses for Air Strike on Syria

It seems that many who supported the weekend’s air strikes on Syria are missing the significance of Robert Fisk’s report this morning from Douma, the site of a supposed chemical weapons attack last week.
Fisk is the first western journalist to reach the area and speak to people there. One is a senior doctor at the clinic that treated victims of what a video purported to show were chemical weapons used by the Syrian government.

Syrian air defense intercepts missile strike of unknown origin

Syrian forces have thwarted an attempted attack on the Shayrat air base in the Homs province that started early Tuesday morning. The Pentagon has denied responsibility for the attack but says that there are many players in the game. The attack came from Lebanese airspace leading many to believe that Israel could be the culprit. Israel, however, has refused to comment.
As reported by the Guardian