
“Locked and Loaded”: What Fresh Pretext Will Trigger US in Syria?

DAMASCUS, SYRIA – Though U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis called the recent strikes targeting Syria a “one-time shot,” recent evidence suggests that the U.S. will likely strike Syria again in the coming weeks and months. Indeed, after the U.S. — along with the U.K. and France – chose to attack Syria based on “evidence” from social media and YouTube purporting to show a chemical weapons attack, U.S. officials warned that the U.S.

MUST WATCH: Syria’s Assad absolutely RIPS western chemical attack charges (VIDEO)

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has not spoken to the western press since the alleged chemical attack in Douma and subsequent western bombing of his country.
However, the uncanny similarity of Douma with the incident in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in April 2017 makes it worth revisiting what he had to say one year ago, when asked if he ordered an inhuman attack on civilians.

WATCH Tucker Carlson guns BLAZING on Russia warmongers, OWNS Hillary Clinton flunky

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is exploding in prime time cable ratings. And it’s not hard to see why.
Apart from scathingly criticizing liberal-left politically correct lunacy, Carlson offers an unbelievable dose of truth and common sense on foreign policy – glaringly missing from western mainstream media, including Fox News itself.

And he’s done it again above – blasting the Washington elite’s obsession with their McCarthyite inquisition in search of a crime Donald Trump or his associates might have committed in “collusion” with Russia.

Near Deadly Political Gas Attack On Americans

“Historically, reactionary forces on the verge of extinction invariably conduct a last desperate struggle against the revolutionary forces, and some revolutionaries are deluded for a time by this phenomenon of outward strength but inner weakness, failing to grasp the essential fact that the enemy is nearing extinction while they themselves are approaching victory.”

US Opens New Military Base at Former ISIS Stronghold in Syria

(ZHE) — So much for President Donald Trump’s promises to pull US troops out of Syria. Despite the US’s insistence that it intends to pull troops out of Syria (at some point, possibly in the distant future), local media report that the US has set up a new military facility in Eastern Deir ez-Zor – not far from ISIS’s […]

Are Chemical Weapons Inspectors Investigating Anything in Syria? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Syrian Ambassador Bashar Jaafari told the UN Security Council on Tuesday that a UN security team has entered the city of Douma. The inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are scheduled to visit on Wednesday. The OPCW inspectors did not visit Monday, and there were a lot of allegations exchanged as to why. […]

Saudi Arabia Offers to Deploy Troops to Syria in Support of Illegal US Intervention

(MEE) — Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir reaffirmed on Tuesday the kingdom’s willingness to deploy troops to Syria as part of US-led efforts to stabilize the conflict-torn country. Speaking at a press conference alongside UN chief Antonio Guterres, Al-Jubeir said that Riyadh had held previous discussions with America to deploy troops in Syria after the civil war […]

President Trump defies his own hawkish administration, refuses new sanctions against Russia

President Donald Trump has made a new move, which is simply NOT to move in pressing new sanctions against the Russian Federation in regards to their support of the Syrian regime under President Bashar al-Assad. This move came as a surprise, because only hours before the US envoy to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, was presenting the move for such new and severe sanctions against Russia.
Sputnik News reports that White House Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders announced that the imposition of new sanctions was being placed on hold.
This naturally produced a media firestorm.