
US Congressman: “DNI, SecDef, and SecState provided zero real evidence” of chemical attack in Syria (Video)

It is now confirmed…the entire US/UK/France attack on Syria over chemical weapons was based on social media. What a tragic joke and embarrassment for Trump/May/Macron.
U.S. Representative for Kentucky, Thomas Massie tweeted…

In briefing to Congress, DNI, SecDef, and SecState provided zero real evidence. Referenced info circulating online. Which means either they chose not to provide proof to Congress or they don’t have conclusive proof that Assad carried out gas attack. Either way, not good.

CNN reporter inhales deadly ‘chemical weapons’ on camera: ‘Yeah that stings’

CNN, the world leader in hard hitting, real news (do you sense any irony?), has produced this stupendous report from a refugee camp in Northern Syria, with people it says “survived” the “chemical attack” in Douma earlier this month.
The US, Britain and France alleged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad pointlessly attacked his own people in Douma with sarin nerve agent, prompting the three nations to launch air strikes on Syria on the night of April 13-14th.
CNN correspondent Arwa Damon was at the camp to interview the “survivors” – as well as sample a little sarin herself.

S-300s' Syria, Russia & Israeli Spin

Israel is presenting the idea that S-300's are headed to Syria as a reality. As if it's guaranteed. From what I've seen/read so far this is NOT the caseThat said Israel's claim gets me thinking about why Israeli talking heads may be presenting this transfer as a statement of fact? Is it because they need a pretext to move on Syria in a much more aggressive manner?Kremlin mum on Russia's possible deliveries of S-300 air defense systems to Syria

The Emerging Russia-Turkey-Iran Alliance Challenging NATO in the Middle East

An unusual triple alliance is emerging from the Syrian war — one that could alter the balance of power in the Middle East, unhinge the NATO alliance, and complicate the Trump administration’s designs on Iran.
It might also lead to yet another double cross of one of the region’s largest ethnic groups, the Kurds.
However, the “troika alliance” — Turkey, Russia, and Iran — consists of three countries that don’t much like one another, have different goals, and whose policies are driven by a combination of geo-global goals and internal politics.

Is Trump Finally Learning Not To Challenge his Neocon Captors?

What happens when an unthinkable war meets an unbeatable case of war fever?  Thanks to Russia-gate, unsubstantiated reports about the use of poison gas in Syria, and a slew of similar factoids and pseudo-scandals, the world may soon find out.
In saner times, including during the Cold War at even its most heated, political leaders knew not to push a conflict with a rival nuclear power too far.  After all, what was the point of getting into a fight in which everyone would lose?

Military Intervention in the Middle East Has Never Been About Human Suffering

(MEMO Op-ed) — Shortly after the missile attack on Syria, US Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump bragged in his usual pompous way that it was “mission accomplished”. In Britain, there was no such display of hubris. Prime Minister Theresa May was, instead, forced to explain to parliament why she ordered the attack without consulting MPs. Two explanations were given […]