
UN Security Team Won’t Let Investigators Visit Syrian Chemical Attack Site

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Two weeks after the alleged chemical attack in Douma, chemical inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are still in Damascus on “standby,” waiting for permission to enter Douma. UPDATE: OPCW Inspectors Finally Enter Suspected Chemical Attack Site in Douma Allegations continue to swirl around this delay. Britain blamed Russia, as usual. […]

Washington Forces its Allies to Accept a Bipolar World

By firing missiles on Syria with its French and British allies, the strange President Donald Trump has managed to force the Western powers to accept the end of their unilateral domination of the world. The insignificant result of this demonstration of force drags NATO back to reality. Without having made use of its weapons, Russia now succeeds the Soviet Union in the balance of world power.

Trump takes to Twitter to slam OPEC over ‘artificially high’ oil prices

Some of the largest oil producers have voluntarily agreed to cut back on oil production in an effort to dial back on stockpiles of stored crude.
OPEC senior officials, include the Russians, among others, on Friday expressed their satisfaction with the deal that was implemented in 2016 with a view to limit production.
The pact, which also involves non OPEC producers, have committed to cutting 2% of global oil production.

German Parliament says US-led Syria strike violated international law

In launching airstrikes against Syria, over the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, an independent German Parliamentary report has declared that the US, Britain, and France have breached international law.
The grounds for the finding are that the prohibition of the use of force still applies when the anticipated recipient of the the forceful action has violated international treaties.

SORE LOSER Democrats try to bolster FAILED RussiaGate narrative – by SUING Trump and Russia!

RIA Novosti and Fox News both are running the story of how the Democrat Party of the United States of America is suing President Donald Trump’s campaign officials, the Russian government and WikiLeaks, with the accusation that these three entities were engaged in a conspiracy (RussiaGate) to help Donald Trump win

Each “Click” Brings Us One Step Closer to the “Bang!”

The Saker • Unz Review • April 20, 2018 Trump pulled the trigger, but instead of a “bang!” what the world heard was a demure “click”. Considering that we are talking about playing a most dangerous game of potentially nuclear Russian AngloZionist roulette, the “click” is very good news indeed. But, to use the words […]

US still paying White Helmets despite $200mn-aid freeze for Syria recovery, State Dept confirms

RT | April 20, 2018 As the US is reviewing funding aimed at helping war-ravaged Syria rebuild, it’s not neglecting the White Helmets – a controversial militant-linked group instrumental to the media campaign against Assad and Russia. At a Thursday press briefing, journalists asked US State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert for an update on the […]

CNN reporter inhales deadly ‘chemical weapons’ on camera: ‘Yeah that stings’

The global Fake News leader’s Arwa Damon sampled a little sarin in the course of her humanitarian propaganda piece on Syria By Ricky Twisdale | The Duran | April 20, 2018 CNN, the world leader in hard hitting, real news (do you sense any irony?), has produced this stupendous report from a refugee camp in […]