
The Skripal/Douma Provocation A Western “Humanitarian” Project

In the light of history, the 14th of April 2018 will be seen as the day that everything changed. Without the missile strike on Syria, the previous actions of the criminals responsible may have gone unnoticed for longer and their activities gone unpunished. But now their supreme confidence in their ability to conduct “provocations” with impunity will be their downfall, if there is any justice in the world, and those who can enforce it.

Germany’s Largest Public TV News Broadcaster: Syrian Gas Attack “Most Likely Staged”

(ZHE) — A senior correspondent for German state media broadcast ZDF heute stunned his European audience during a report from on the ground in Syria when he gave a straightforward and honest account of his findings while investigating what happened in Douma. The veteran reporter, Uli Gack, interviewed multiple eyewitnesses of the April 7 alleged chemical attack and concluded […]

OPCW Finally Arrive to Syrian ‘Chemical Attack’ Site, Collect Samples

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Two weeks after the alleged Douma chemical weapons strike, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) arrived in Douma Saturday to investigate. The OPCW had been trying to reach the site all week, but had been blocked by security concerns expressed by the UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS). The OPCW entered the […]

Media Support US Violence Against Syria, but Long for More

By Gregory Shupak | FAIR | April 20, 2018 Corporate media outlets were glad that the US, France and Britain bombed Syria in violation of international law (, 4/18/18), but lamented what they see as a dearth of US violence in the country. In The Atlantic (4/14/18), Thanassis Cambanis described the war crime as “undoubtedly […]

Another Dodgy British Dossier: the Skripal Case

In this second part of a series, Gareth Porter compares the same faulty logic employed in two purposely misleading, so-called British intelligence dossiers. By Gareth Porter | Consortium News | April 21, 2018 The British government shared what was supposedly a dossier containing sensitive intelligence to convince allies and EU member states to support its accusation […]

The Moral Mask

It feels as if world events are in overdrive, and sometimes it’s hard to escape the thought that there is no longer much point in trying to analyse, or make sense of, a trajectory increasingly out of control.
I see little evidence that those of us in the segment of the world political spectrum likely to read these words need much persuasion — nor that those who consider us dupes of the Evil Vladimir, or apologists for what was once called the “Yellow Peril”, could ever have any inclination to even glance at the arguments and sentiments of those they consider so utterly deluded.